You know you’re a bloggers child when you ask to have your photo taken to document all the moments of the day! I haven’t been able to take individual photos of the children this week. We had the normal school routine in the week and the weekend was filled with birthday parties. But I thought I would share this photo I captured on my phone on our trip to Tesco.

We had to run into our local Tesco at the weekend to stock up on some of Ethan’s
I had to laugh at this and the phrase ‘You Know You’re A Bloggers Child When…’ popped into my head. It was the way they said it to me, ‘Take a photo mummy’. They were expecting that a photo needed to be taken. I had no intention of taking a photo at this time but I couldn’t resist the children’s demands.
I do wonder if other peoples children expect photos to be taken of them all the time. Or perhaps all parents take just as many photos as we all now have cameras in our phones.
The children have had a good week. Little E happily returned to school without any issues. It has been good for Ethan to return to school but this week he did get a new diagnosis of ADHD. We also had a fantastic delivery of cake and the children were able to take some into school. It made it an unexpected week for us.
Lovely photo of them both. Olivia is always asking for her photo to be taken, usually with headless mannequins in shops.
They look so happy! Athena and Troy always expect photos now – even of their dinner! x
Only now since joining Living Arrows I have realised how much I actually struggle to take pictures of them every week. I thought I take loads, but I actually don’t. Now I’m glad I’ve joined because my children will get used to it eventually too.