As the summer holidays draw to a close I want to take a look back at Little E’s first year of school. So much has happened in this school year and I have so much to blog about. I hope to get around to posting all of the updates sooner rather than later. For now, I thought I would share with you Little E’s highlights of her reception year.

Starting school wasn’t easy for Little E. She found the number of children overwhelming and playtime was hard for her. There were tears most mornings of that first half term. We would draw cats on our arms to let her know that we were thinking of her. It was in the hope that we could ease the starting school upset.

Thankfully, after the October half term, Little E was more settled. She couldn’t wait to get back to her reception class and her new friends. Little E still needed the cat on her arm but thankfully we moved onto another form of comfort after the Christmas holiday. She would carry in her toy cats. I would have to take them home and then back on the school collection. By the end of the school year, we no longer needed the help of her soft toy cat friends.

The first milestone the reception children reached was the Christmas Nativity. Our children would be performing Humph The Camel. Little E had the part of an angel. She had been an angel twice before at nursery. The first time I had to give her support and join in. The second-year I had to result in bribery so that I could remain seated in the audience. As you can imagine I was nervous about how this Nativity would go. She sang her heart out and performed perfectly and we were both so proud of our little lady.

Little E’s first full-term ended with the presentation of a certificate for being a Good Citizen. This was for always doing the right thing. It also said she is amazing at tidy up-time. Something she needs to work on at home!

In the next school

The next event at school was another dress-up day as it was time to celebrate World Book Day. The children were lucky enough to receive Roald Dahl costumes from Matalan. Little E went to school as Matilda. This time the costume didn’t stay on all day.

We both had lunch dates with Little E during her reception year. I got an invitation to join Little E for a Mothers Day lunch in March.

Darren had an invitation to join Little E for a Fathers Day lunch in June.

Little E got the chance to make an Easter Bonnet with me this year. She then took it into school to be part of the Easter Bonnet Parade.

And at the end of the second term, Little E was given another school award. She was awarded a Good Work Award for trying her best and having a go with her writing.

The reception school year ended with a sporty morning rather than a sports day. Little E is very competitive and really enjoyed taking part in her sporty morning.

Every child taking part in the reception sporty morning was awarded a certificate.

Even though the first year of school started a little rocky for our little lady. I think it turned into a very good year for her. I hope the return to school and year one starts easier for her and she has a very good year at school.