April 2017 is the first month for this year I have had a photo-ready for siblings day. This is partly because Darren has finally had some weekends off of work. Also partly because I have a new camera to play with. I have got used to having my iPhone camera to hand. I also realised how much I missed the quick settings of my Nikon to capture my very quick children. As my camera needed an upgraded I was finally brave enough to jump into the world of DSLR. I still have a lot to learn about shooting in manual but I will get there in time.
April 2017 saw us celebrate my mum’s 70th birthday. Meaning our siblings got to dress up to take her to afternoon tea.

Being that they are still very much two peas in a pod at the moment they spent most of the time racing around the room. They stopped for a rest in the unused fireplace which gave me the chance to capture them together.
This year we are really noticing that our siblings can do more and more together. Little E has always wanted to do what Ethan does. She was running before she was a year old just to keep up with him. She has also been refusing to use the buggy for a while but really couldn’t walk far. This year we are getting braver and leaving it at home more.
After discovering last year that Little E wasn’t really a thrill-seeker like her brother. We put her to the test yesterday when we went to visit the sea. She got to ride in her first little car ride on her own. I also got a moment to capture another sibling’s photo when they went on again and sat in the same car.

Yesterday we also discovered that Ethan was ready to ride the horses on his own. When we discovered that milestone we also asked Little E if she wanted to ride the horses. She did so well but Darren also rode with her to be on the safe side.

I also got to capture a very sweet moment between our siblings, Little E held Ethan’s hand. They have held hands before but always when we have asked them to. This moment was totally spontaneous and Little E’s choice.

This year really is a year that our siblings can do more together. Little E is experiencing things at a younger age than Ethan did. We are learning to adjust our ‘normal’ in our parenting journey to keep up with her.