The past two weeks have flown by for us because we have been so
The first Monday after our Easter break started off with an unexpected high as Little E got a place at our first choice primary school. We really didn’t expect to get the first choice but we are so glad she has a place there. We do have to work out how to get two children to two different schools which will be interesting. Our second school choice would have made this a little easier but I’m looking forward to being able to walk one of my children to school each day.
On the Tuesday my work started to pick up which was good timing as the children were both back at school and nursery. This has kept me busy for the past two weeks. When my work comes in life has to go on hold a bit so I got behind with a few blog posts but hopefully I will be able to catch up over the next few days.
Little E has also been busy as she started swimming lessons on her own. Her teacher decided she should move up from the mother and baby class this term to prepare her for the after school swimming classes. She will move into those in September at the same time as starting school. Little E has also been asking about learning to dance for the past few months. This week I was busy trying to find a Ballet School for her. She will have a trial class in the next few weeks.
It’s Ethan’s birthday next month so I have also been busy preparing for that. We always struggle on what gifts to buy for him as he doesn’t really do toys. We tend to take him out for the day as this is what he enjoys but I feel it’s important to mark his birthday with a gift of some-kind. Hopefully he will like what I have found for him. I also spent my spare time yesterday finding things on ebay for party bags as one of his birthday requests was a soft play party with his friends. May is a very busy month for us.
With Darren’s change at work I think our life will just tend to be busier. Which is making 2018 a very interesting year for us.
It does sound like a busy week. So glad that you got the first choice school for Little E and hope that she enjoys ballet classes when she starts. Hope that all goes well with Ethan’s birthday party too and that he likes the gift you have chosen for him. May is my birthday month too. #WotW
Life always seems to be busy doesn’t it! Hope it goes OK #wotw
You do sound busy, lots going on. So pleased Little E got her school place, hope she loves it x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
It does sound like life’s busy for you at the moment. I find that some years are like that and then others are very quiet with nothing happening at all. May is a busy month for us birthday wise too, hope Ethan has a nice day x #WotW
Life does that doesnt it? Sometimes nothing is going on and then the world needs your time and attention and you cant think straight, but its all fun! Ah so pleased you got your first choice school living so far in the country thats one thing we never go to do, walk to school it will be lovely on sunny days and even the snowy ones. Hope Ethan has a lovely birthday x