This week has been a lot slower and I have been embracing it. A slower pace has been a welcome relief after the struggles of last week. We are still behind on school work but I’m following my body’s lead to slow things down.

My work was quieter which meant I could take a step back a bit as we wait for the next part of our project to come in. It will step up again next week so I was very happy to embrace the change of pace this week.
I was able to enjoy Darren’s day off on Monday and we were able to go on a family walk. We went on our normal local walk but this time we took part in the Castle Park Junior Ranger Trail. We were able to explore parts of the park we never had before and learn some fun facts too.
With school work, we are still playing the catch-up game with Little E’s lessons. We are about a week behind and we have got into a bit of routine with no school work on Thursdays and Fridays. I find it easier to not juggle and play catch up on the weekends and Darren’s days off. It will mean we will be working through the half term with her. We would rather that going at a slower pace rather than putting ourselves under massive pressure. I’m so glad Little E’s school hasn’t included zoom or google lessons into their home learning.
This week we had an enjoyable craft day catching up on the set art projects. I was also able to fit in some of Ethan’s learning. His teacher is very understanding and she knows we would rather get Ethan out for his daily exercise than use that time on the school work. I know that sounds bad but Ethan is a big ball of energy. Getting him out of the house is very important for him but also for us as a family.
With the pressure of work being easier this week I have been able to get the children out more this week. We have also had some movie time and I might have even started to sort out some of the ironing. We just need to ignore the rest of the house!
It sounds like you are slowly working things out. I’m glad this is less stressful for you. Everytime, I think I’m getting somewhere I have a spanner in the works. I see my positivity fading all the time. I need to slow down myself.
It’s the little victories that really count, not the big ones! Well done! #WOTW
A slow week sounds like a good week. It sounds like you needed some time to slow down and chill a little.
It sounds like you have got into a good routine with the school work. At least you will half term to catch up.
I am glad you have had a good week x
You have to work school round your home not the other way round (as Sir’s teacher told me) so I’m glad you’ve found a routine that suits your family better. The rest of the housework can wait! Mine is waiting.. it’s been waiting since last week LOL!
Being able to take things at a slower pace is a good idea, even if it does mean playing catch-up. I’m glad that Little E’s lessons allow you to do that. It’s good that Ethan’s teacher is so understanding too. Being able to get outdoor time does make such a difference. Glad you’ve enjoyed some nice walks this week – the Castle Park Junior Ranger Trail sounds like fun. #WotW
Slower seems to be working for you, even if it means working through the half term. We love getting out. It might be the same walks at the moment, but it changes all the time. I can imagine a walk makes a big difference to Ethan. Hope this week has continued to work for you. #wotw