word of the week

Word Of The Week – Sunshine

After missing Word of the Week last week due to being exhausted from half term this week our word of the week is


The sun has shone for us all week, we have missed any rain and have been able to spend time in the garden.

Little E has loved it. We have got out the Little Tikes toys and she has been very happy driving the car around the garden. She has also liked having a go on Ethan’s big slide which scares the life out of me. We have even had the paddling pool out and both Ethan and Little E have enjoyed it when he has come home from school.

The downside of this lovely weather is my hayfever. I have had some really bad days which hasn’t been helped by the tree blossom we are experiencing at the moment. Today the blossom falling from the trees has looked like snow covering the garden.

So it has been a really lovely week for us, and very enjoyable. Lets hope the rain decides to stay away for the weekend.

The Reading Residence

2 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Sunshine”

  1. Now that is my idea of the perfect week.. aside from the hay fever obviously! some years I get it and some I don’t. Have a great weekend

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