Last week it felt like all we were talking about was petrol. To be honest I have no idea what our local petrol situation is like now. After the past few days, the petrol crisis feels like a whole different world away! This week it feels like all we have talked about is Covid-19 tests and testing.

Our testing talk started on Wednesday when we received the dreaded email from Little E’s school. Someone in her class has tested positive with Covid-19. But the rules have changed. Children no longer had to isolate right away. We have to do a PCR test and wait for the results. If the text is negative all good. If you are positive then the isolation starts. Whilst waiting for the test results you continue with your day to day life normally. I must admit I didn’t take Little E to her ballet lesson because of this news but she has continued to go to school. We did her PCR test this morning so we are waiting for her results.
Ethan hasn’t had a good week this week in terms of illness. He said his tummy hurt on Sunday and refused to eat anything. We thought he would be sick but apart from sleeping for fifteen minutes in the afternoon, there was no other illness. Knowing something wasn’t right as Ethan will only ever sleep in the day if he isn’t feeling right. We let him have Monday off of school to see how he went. He was back to eating normally so he returned to school on Tuesday.
On Thursday Ethan was full of cold. I have been fighting one too but mine probably won’t come out until the half-term holiday. With Little E needing a test on my mind I thought it was a good idea to keep Ethan home from school. He looked really rough too and I thought a day at home would do him the world of good. I informed Ethan’s school but their policy is a bit different from Little E’s. Ethan can not return to school unless he produces a negative PCR test. So I ordered him a PCR test. You can also order tests for up to three other people in your household at the same time. I thought it would probably be a good idea to get us all tested at this time.
It turns out it was a good idea to order myself a PCR test. I was contacted by NHS Test and Trace on Thursday as I have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive. So this week we are all testing. Who knows what next week will bring for us. I’m keeping everything crossed for negative results for us all.
Fingers crossed for negative results. It’s so hard to keep the vulnerable safe right now. We’ve all had to do PCRs but they have been negative, my kids picked up a nasty cold from school. Thankfully, I wasn’t too bad because I’d just had my immune boosting treatment. I hope you are all feeling better soon and that Covid doesn’t rear it’s ugly head for you x
Fingers crossed all will be well. I’m counting my lucky stars here. I have never had to do one of those tests and I hope I won’t have to.
I also hear that there is a really nasty cold being spread around at the moment. Our 2 uni girls have had it but Leisa and I didn’t catch it. We’ve been making and using Nature’s Penicillin so hope this is what has been helping us keep bugs at bay.
All the best for a good week ahead.
Fingers crossed for you all with the PCR tests and hope that you all manage to stay Covid-free. #WotW