The last time I was able to write a word of the week post I was feeling quite low. I’m glad to say my mood has lifted and the last few weekends have been busy. Not giving me a chance to write a word of the week post. Not only did we get two bank holiday weekends in a row. During the weekend of the King’s coronation, Ethan also turned thirteen. We officially have a teenager in our house!

Ethan’s birthday celebrations have really been split over the past few weekends. The first bank holiday weekend we took the children to the cinema to watch The Super Mario Bros. Movie. This was a movie Ethan made us aware he wanted to watch. It has taken us a long time to be able to take him to the cinema to watch a film. They have to be films that will hold his attention. We all really enjoyed the movie and it was so much better than the version we got as kids. Strangely enough that one come out when I was thirteen.
On Ethan’s birthday, we had a small gathering for tea and cake. We had also visited my brother the day before so it was a real family weekend. Instead of planning a party for Ethan’s classmates, I paid for them all to visit a local soft play centre on their normal day out at school. So he got to have fun with his friends without all the party-planning stress.
This weekend we took Ethan to London for his birthday treat. He has always wanted to go on the London Eye. We booked a trip on that for him as well as a visit to the London Aquarium. Turning thirteen really has been nonstop for Ethan. I must admit I’m looking forward to having some downtime next weekend.
I am glad your mood is better.
Happy belated birthday to Ethan! It sounds like he had a lovely birthday. That was a good idea about the soft play. x
Happy belated birthday to Ethan! It sounds like he had a lovely birthday. Glad that he enjoyed going to see Super Mario Bros Movie and soft play with his friends. Hope he enjoyed going on the London Eye and visiting the London Aquarium. #MMBC