My word of the week this week is
I think Ethan’s birthday celebrations and our weekend visiting Legoland really took its toll. I never thought I would say this but I’m really looking forward to the half term break. I really thought that it was just the children that looked forward to the school holidays!
Ethan has also had bad nights this week. They are part of our norm but this week he has woken every hour on the hour. This hasn’t helped with my feeling tired.
I would like to say that we have the weekend to recover but Ethan’s birthday celebrations are continuing with visits from grandparents and a bowling party with friends.
So we will need a well deserved rest when the half term arrives.
I feel your pain hon, bad nights are the norm here too! Sending coffee & hugs xx #wotw
I can’t wait for every holiday-love the break! Hope the weekend is fun and that you get some sleep at some point x
Oh dear I hope you get some rest soon….I’m looking forward to half term too.
Roll on half term! I know what you mean, as my daughter really needs the break having been ill a couple of times recently, which had the knock on effect of me being a bit tired, too! Hope you have a lovely weekend x Thanks for sharing with #WotW
Aw, hope you manage to have a chilled out weekend x
Happy Belated birthday Ethan! I hope you manage to get some much needed sleep hon.xx
I look forward to half terms too! Enjoy the continued birthday celebrations 🙂
I am looking forward to the half term as well to rest! Hopefully it will come sooner =) #wotw
I don’t think there is a time in your life where you get as tired as when you have young kids, I’ve worked nights, partied 24/7 (in my youth), spent days awake and yet not once was I as tired as I have been since my first was born 15 years ago (2 more kids mean I’ve been tired ever since, you just get used to it).
Gosh, poor you. Being tired just seems to add to the burden of coping with little ones doesn’t it. I think I can deal with most things but when I’m over tired even the little things just seem that much harder!
I do hope you manage to get at least one nights full sleep soon, and there’s only one more week until half term where hopefully you’ll both get lost of rest!