On Friday Ethan was awarded Star of the Week for sitting in the circle at circle time. I can see a sitting theme forming for Ethan as he was awarded Star of the Day last week for his sitting. He likes to move around a lot, not to mention his jumping from sitting position! I don’t envy the teachers at all but he must be doing well to be given these awards.
As in his last class being awarded Star of the Week means that you also get to bring home the class bear. This was news to us on Friday evening but it was something that both children were excited about. Darren was working this weekend which is always the case when the class bear visits us.
The class bear comes with a diary where you share your adventures together. I was worried that the class bear was going to be bored on his visit with us but thankfully we were able to go out yesterday afternoon.
We visited our local pumpkin patch, Foxes Farm in Colchester. We visited last year and the children really enjoyed it. Ethan has been very excited that October means that its time for pumpkins. It felt like the perfect time to visit and a great adventure for Ethan to share today at school.
The children really enjoyed their visit to the pumpkin patch. They picked two small pumpkins for the class bear to take into school but I have a feeling that isn’t going to happen. The have got very attached to their pumpkins. I didn’t get the chance to film our visit this time. We had to buy some new welly boots before our visit as the children’s feet have grown. This meant it was quite busy by the time we got there and I try not to film other people’s children in our vlogs. Hopefully we will get the chance to visit next year. This Halloween we have some exciting plans for Ethan and his love for all things pumpkin.
Well done Ethan, D is always a fidgeter but seems to understand that Circle Time means staying in the same place.
He is doing so well this school year x