Suddenly we are a week into November and I still haven’t written my siblings post for October 2019! We had a very busy half term and I have had to hit the ground running this week and it has been non-stop!
School in October 2019 for Little E was the normal routine. She did have a Space Day where she had to dress up and she loved every minute of it. For Ethan, we were still struggling with his new slapping issue. He also added swearing into the mix and he was coming out with words that we never use in this house. This meant I had to have some interesting conversations with his teacher.
I did have a parent’s evening for Ethan and apart from the issues we are facing at the moment he is doing very well. His strength is reading and he is at the top in his class for that. We also had a sensory appointment for him. Well, the start of the process. We had a team visit us at home to see if our family needs help. We are now on a waiting list for the next steps. I have a feeling it will be a long process.
As we were going away with friends for the half-term we were worried about how they would cope with Ethan’s behaviours. Ethan did have his moments but I think it didn’t go as badly as we thought it would.

For the majority of the half-term holiday, we stayed at Orchard Cottage. All of the children loved the cottage and spent hours playing chase games together. It was lovely to see that Ethan could easily include himself in these games.

We took the children to see Stonehenge. Spent a day at Longleat Safari Park. Visited Monkey World and finally got the chance to take Ethan to visit Peppa Pig World. We even had a small Halloween party.

We had a lovely week spending time together which I think helped calm Ethan down a little bit. He is still having his issues but it doesn’t feel quite so intense. I hope that feeling continues for a while yet.