Celebrating Halloween With Our Friends

Celebrating Halloween With Our Friends

Being away with our friends for Halloween this year we wanted to make sure we celebrated the occasion. The children do normally dress up for Halloween but we stay in and wait for the Trick or Treaters to knock. I have always wanted to do more but it has never worked out, but we have had the chance to experience Halloween in Walt Disney World. So the children have had some Halloween trick or treating fun in the past. We also don’t think it is right to encourage Ethan to knock on stranger’s doors for sweets. He might think this is something he would be able to do every day! This is how we spent our time celebrating Halloween with our friends this year.

Celebrating Halloween At Orchard Cottage

Halloween Decorations and Party Pack

Apart from carving pumpkins, we never really decorate for Halloween. Sparkle Parties sent us a gift of a Halloween party pack. This was full of decorations and party supplies. We decorated Orchard Cottage with the decorations as soon as we arrived.

halloween decorations kitchen orchard cottage dillington estate
halloween decorations dining table orchard cottage dillington estate

After getting the chance to make Halloween cupcakes with Annabel Karmel at the Baby Annabell event, we decided to incorporate decorating cupcakes into our plans. Whilst the pumpkins were being carved by the boys we made the cupcakes ready for the children to decorate.

We laid the table with the Halloween themed cups and plates. As well as decorating ingredients for the cupcakes.

halloween table decorations
cupcakes decorating ingredients

Cupcake Decorating

The children were having so much fun playing it took us a while to convince them to decorate cupcakes with us. Ethan rushed his cake decorating to complete the task that was asked of him. Little E, on the other hand, took more time creating her masterpiece. Darren even decorated a cupcake.

little e decorating halloween cupcakes

Little E’s finished cupcake looked a bit like a teddy bear.

little e decorated halloween cupcake

I tried to be a bit creative with my cupcake decorating.

janes decorated halloween cupcake

Pin The Nose On The Witch

In our party pack, we were also sent a Halloween game, pin the nose on the witch.

pin the nose on the witch

We all had so much fun playing this game. A Halloween version of pin the tail on the donkey. We all took a turn at pinning the nose on the witch. There was definitely some cheating from the youngest members of our group.

ethan playing pin the nose on the witch

We had a lovely time celebrating Halloween with our friends. We hope that we get the chance to celebrate again with them in the future.

DISCLOSURE – We were gifted a Halloween party pack from Sparkle Parties.

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