On Monday something happened that I wasn’t quite expecting yet. To be honest it made me feel quite emotional. Little E lost her first baby tooth! On Thursday and Friday, she had been complaining that she was biting her tongue as she ate dinner. I told her to be careful as she ate and didn’t think any more about it.
On Sunday whilst we were at a soft play party for Little E’s school friend. She complained about her tongue again. This time I looked into her mouth and behind her two front baby teeth was a new tooth already cut through her gum. The baby tooth it was sitting behind was really wobbly.
The First Lost Baby Tooth
I wasn’t expecting the wobbly tooth to come out that quickly. When I collected Little E from school on Monday afternoon she was proudly holding an envelope containing her ver first lost baby tooth.
The Tooth Fairy
Although Ethan knows about the tooth fairy he has only just recently shown an understanding of the concept. Because of anxiety, we do have to leave his baby teeth downstairs for the tooth fairy to collect. Little E, on the other hand, was very excited about the upcoming tooth fairy visit. Her baby tooth was placed under her pillow as soon as she got in from school.

Why Was I So Emotional About A Tooth?
To me, Little E losing her first baby tooth came out of nowhere. She is one of the youngest in her school year and I was expecting other children to start losing their baby teeth before her. It turns out she is amoungst the first to start losing their baby teeth. I thought Ethan was a lot older than Little E when he lost his first tooth. It turns out it was before his 6th birthday too.
It only feels like yesterday that Little E first cut those baby teeth. Now she has a big tooth. To me, it is a sign that my baby girl is growing up. Little E is my last baby and she is growing up so quickly. This tooth really represented this moment for me. She gave me a cuddle though and told me she would always be my baby.