Our Fun-Filled Day At Drusillas Park Review

Feeding Lorikeets At Lory Landing Drusillas Park

In 2014 Colchester Zoo opened an aviary of Australian Rainbow Lorikeets. Not only can you walk into the aviary to see the lorikeets you can also feed them. This has been something I have wanted to do since the aviary opened. No matter how many times we have visited the zoo we still haven’t fed the Lorikeets. Little did I know that on our recent trip to Drusillas Park my dream of Feeding Lorikeets would come true!

Feeding Lorikeets At Lory Landing Drusillas Park

Lory Landing

Lory Landing is one of the three walk-through enclosures that you can visit at Drusillas Park. I didn’t know that they had an aviary of lorikeets at Drusillas. I was pleasantly surprised when we spotted Lory Landing at the zoo.

Darren was informed that I wanted us to try and feed the lorikeets. Unfortunately, it had been raining before we entered the aviary. The staff informed us the lorikeets weren’t really in the mood for feeding. They were too busy keeping dry from the rain. The staff gave us a pot of the nectar* and told us that we were more than welcome to try.

Feeding Lorikeets At Lory Landing

The lorikeets really didn’t want to eat any of the nectar that was on offer. Darren persisted and kept trying keeping an eye on the lorikeets as they ventured back out into the aviary. He managed to get two of the lorikeets interested in his pot of nectar. Knowing how much I wanted to feed them he was able to maneuver them over to my nectar pot.

jane lorikeets lory landing drusillas park

As you can see from the selfie I took, I was very excited to be feeding the lorikeets!

rainbow lorikeets lory landing drusillas park

Little E wanted to feed the lorikeets too. She didn’t want them on her arm but was happy to feed them the nectar from the pots.

feeding lorikeets lory landing drusillas park

Ethan was very excited by the parrots but didn’t want to feed them. I captured our time feeding lorikeets at Lory Landing on video which you can watch below.

Lory Landing Information

*Nectar feeding pots cost £1 per pot.

Lory Landing is open daily from the start of the February half-term to the end of the October half-term. In November, December, January, and February Lory Landing is closed on weekdays. Weather permitting, Lory Landing is open every weekend and all East Sussex state school holidays.

DISCLOSURE – We were gifted entrance tickets to Drusillas Park. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, and experiences.

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