Dear Little E,
Today you are 13 moths old! This month has passed so quickly and it feels like you have grown up so much in that time too.
Not only have you found your feet but you are now trying to run everywhere. Run!
We didn’t think you were quite ready to walk when we were out and about but you have made it quite clear that is what you want to do. We have decided the safest thing to do was to purchase reins as you are little miss independent and refuse to hold our hands! This also means new shoes are on the cards already.
Your hair has suddenly grown this month too. I didn’t want to get it cut again as I want it to grow a bit so I purchased some clips.
You have shown us that you like to use a pen and the manga doodle is now your favorite toy. I won’t mention that you have already tried to draw on the walls!
Your brother is at home everyday at the moment as he is on his summer holidays. It has been lovely to watch you playing together. He has to work on sharing but you are learning how to handle him.
We have also been out in the garden and you have been exploring, you really enjoying the paddling pool too.
You really do keep us on our toes and you know exactly what you want and how to get it. We have another busy month coming up with lots of new experiences for you. I’m sure we will be exhausted by the end of it but you would have had so much fun!