April 2022 was a quiet month for our siblings. We didn’t actually have any really big plans over the Easter holidays as both Darren and I were working. The holidays however took an unexpected turn as my dad sadly passed away. So the weeks were filled with a mixture of grief and trying to work out what day it was.

We did start April 2022 with a trip to Braintree Village as both children needed new shoes. Ethan was very excited about the new Haribo shop that had recently opened. He really wanted a Haribo bag. So both of our siblings picked some sweets so that Ethan could get his bag. They were really good as they only wanted one bag of sweets each.

Visiting Braintree also meant we could visit Lathcoats Farm. We had booked a lamb cuddling appointment with All Things Alpaca. This is something I have wanted the children to do for ages. Booking meant we had time with the lambs on our own. Little E embraced every moment with the lambs. Ethan on the other hand was a little unsure and didn’t want to cuddle them. He did get braver and stoke them towards the end of our time.

To help break up the days at home over the Easter holidays Little E had some visits with Nanny. On the days that Darren was at home, he took our siblings out on their bikes. We also did fit in a family walk at Brightlingsea and some visits to the cinema. Little E wanted a girly trip to see Sonic 2 but we all went to see The Bad Guys.

I was craving routine by the time our siblings went back to school after the holidays. I just needed some sort of normality. Little E had her first school craft fair when they returned which felt very storage after not being able to do things for so long. Little E enjoyed it, as did Ethan. She couldn’t wait to get her face painted whilst there.