January 2022 has been a tough month for our siblings relationship-wise. Ethan is struggling and he feels very unsettled. I’m sure we go through the same thing each January. I think it’s a mix of the Christmas excitement and the lack of routine. I’m hoping that the February half-term will make him feel better. Hopefully, some time together as a family will help get our siblings back on track.

I did think that January 2022 had been a quiet month for our siblings. It actually started off quite busy but slowed down as the month went on. The month started with us visiting the 02 Arena in London. We had tickets to see Disney on Ice Find Your Hero. We were very lucky to be able to see it as they had to cancel some of the shows due to covid. Whilst we were there we also took a flight on the cable cars. That is one of Ethan’s favourite things to do. He will always ask to go on them.

I also took our siblings to a local relaxed performance of a pantomime. It was Aladdin and both children loved it. It was the first time we have ever really gone out to anything as a three. The children were really well behaved for me and it might make me brave to take them somewhere else on my own.

We have also taken a few trips to the beach. Taking Ethan’s Monster Jam Megalodon for a test drive. It was one of his Christmas presents that is perfect for the sand and the sea. I’m sure it will be coming to the beach with us quite a bit during 2022. We do have some February half-term adventures planned. I’m keeping everything crossed at the moment that covid stays away and doesn’t stop them. There are lots of lateral flow tests being done as both children have been close contacts in January 2022.