For our siblings, it felt like October 2021 was all about covid. They kept getting letters from school informing them they were close contacts. This meant they had to do lots of PCR tests to see if they were ill or not. They were able to dodge it for most of the month and we did have some fun family days in the half-term. Unfortunately, the half-term ended with a positive lateral flow test for Ethan. Then the PCR test confirming he was positive with covid-19.

October 2021 started out as a quiet month for our siblings. This was partly because we wanted to save money for our half-term adventures and partly because of the petrol shortage. We did however get the chance to have a family visit to the cinema to see Ron’s Gone Wrong. Our siblings loved the film and it was the perfect movie for Ethan to watch.

During the half-term, we visited our local soft play which was Ethan’s request. We also got the chance to take our siblings to our local trampoline park. They hold SEN sessions which we are never able to attend. With both of us off of work and our siblings out of school, we could take them. Our siblings had so much fun and we felt really old!

We took our siblings on some Halloween themed days out during October 2021. We wanted to explore a new Pumpkin Patch so visited Prettyfields Pumpkin Patch as well as the Halloween Event at Colchester Zoo.

There were a few other days out planned for the October half-term but Ethan’s positive lateral flow test put a stop to those. Thankfully the only trip our siblings knew had to be cancelled was the trip to see their uncle. This did cause them some great upset but we were able to rearrange a Christmas visit.