Project 365 2015 Week 30 Days 200-206

A photo a day, every day, for a year!

Day 200

Ethan has been sent a Swim Fin to review over the summer holidays as part of #SwimFinSummer. He has been using them in his swimming lessons and I’m excited to see how his swimming has improved using the fin.


Day 201

The Magna Doodle has been a hit at Nanny’s with both children so I dug ours out. I can’t believe that Little E knows what to do with the pen at 12 months old!


Day 202

It was the last day of school today, we have hit the summer holidays with a bit of a bang!


Day 203

I’m trying to keep Ethan’s mind busy over the holidays so I brought out the Aqua Doodles. Both children loved it and Ethan loved pointing out the letters and watching me write our names.


Day 204

It’s official, bottles no longer required. My baby girl has grown up too quickly for my liking!


Day 205

Rain stopped our plans for today, we were meant to be going to the beach for the day. This meant we could attend Little E’s last Baby Ballet lesson of term.


Day 206

The next toys introduced for the summer holidays are the musical instruments. They were a hit and made lots of noise!

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

14 thoughts on “Project 365 2015 Week 30 Days 200-206”

  1. The aqua doodle is a big hit in our home. I realised I need to put a mat down under it though after he got a bit over excited with the water :). That swim fin thingie is so cute, bet it’ll look even cuter when he’s in the water!

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      It’s been hard work. The start of the summer holidays has been a bit of a shock for all of us. I’m hoping it will get easier as time goes on x

  2. Your son has a dear little face, hope he’s enjoying the swimming lessons and making a great improvement with the swimming; I might investigate this for The Boy.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. Ethan’s swimming journey is a long one but he is improving which is the most important thing x

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I have heard, and seen, bad things about those tails. I don’t think it is something I would let my children have x

  3. Ruth (geekmummy)

    Looks like a lovely week. Aqua draw has always been a big hit in this house, although we haven’t had ours out for a while. Maybe I should dig it out… And how cute does Little E look in her ballet outfit?!

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