A photo a day, every day, for a year! This year I’m taking part in Project 365. My aim is to take a photo a day every day this year. Creating a photo diary of what we get up to during the year. This is my post for the year 2015 Week 3, week two can be found here. This week was full of milestones for Little E.
Project 365 – 2015 Week 3
Day 11

Little E was six months old today. I was trying to take a picture of her for my update post. She was too interested in the camera strap!
Day 12

After putting it off for as long as possible it was time to move Little E into her cot. This would mean she would now be in her own bedroom. I’m amazed at how long she has been in our room. Darren moved Ethan into his own room at eight weeks old. I’m sad this move happened but it all went very smoothly, so far!
Day 13

Another big change for Little E today. The high chair was brought in from the garage. Little E now sits at the table with us whilst we eat dinner. I’m very happy about this change. I have been eating my dinner in the front room on my own for the past year. It started because I was too uncomfortable sitting at the table whilst pregnant. Then I would sit with Little E in the front room when she was born. Now we are all at the dinner table as a family.
Day 14

I didn’t fancy going to the baby group this week. This was because I got myself in a bit of a state about Little E’s milestones. We had enough tears this week that I didn’t feel the need to add more. Darren wasn’t working today so instead, we walked into town and had a look around the shops. We also opened up a bank account for Little E to put her Christmas money in.
Day 15

A non-nursery day for Ethan so I decided to get Ethan’s Peppa Pig toys out. This was so that we could work on small world play. He did really well and sat them around the table for dinner. He also enjoyed walking them up the stairs and putting them into bed. Of course, loading them in the car and tipping them out was much more fun!
Day 16

We are having massive food battles with Ethan again. He is refusing to eat dinner and we are living on Muller Rice, Kinder Bars, and Cakes! I made my first ever Spaghetti Bolognese from scratch in the hope he would eat it. Ethan did put five spoonfuls in his mouth without a fight which is a massive improvement.
Day 17

My aunt brought this strawberry babygrow for Little E when she was born. As the hat now fits, and before she grows out of the babygrow, I thought it was time to capture the moment.
Week 4 of Project 365 for the year 2015 can be found HERE.
What a lovely little strawberry you have, can’t believe she is 6 months already. So nice when you can eat at the table together isn’t it. Good luck with the food battles – we’ve had a far few of those over the last couple of years #365
I know the time is just flying by. I think food will always be a battle, to get him to eat today we were clapping and cheering like mad things. Still only had five spoonfuls but that is better than nothing x
The strawberry hat is so cute! It sounds like you’ve made some really good progress with both of the kids this week. Ethan’s eating must be a worry, but the spaghetti is a step in the right direction! Sounds like you did the right thing avoiding baby group – who wants to be beating themselves up about what other people do?
I think you’re right about baby group. I was feeling pretty low I thought it was best to avoid the situation. I don’t know why we put so much pressure on ourselves about milestones. I should know better by now!
Spaghetti Bolognese is fab, as you can sneak in so many grated veggies in the sauce. Little E is very cute. And it’s great that you can have dinners all together now.
I put grated carrot in this one, I will have to see what else I can add in there x
Those 6 months have gone so fast. Love the strawberry outfit.
Yes very!
Awe, 5 spoonfuls is good Jane! Wow, little E has done well with all the changes and milestones this week and it sounds like Ethan is doing great too, all thanks to lovely parents x #365
Thank you Jo :0) I hate fighting over food but five spoonfuls was fantastic for him, we are slowly working on it. Very slowly!
Happy six months little E! Food battles are so frustrating aren’t they, we are having issues with our E and her eating habits, never ending! x
We have good weeks and bad weeks with food. I have never hated food so much and working out what we should eat!
awww she is growing so quickly! .. its nice though the eating together one, i did really love that moment when it happened for us too! xx
It is nice being around the table together. It felt like we were split up for quite a while. It is better for Ethan to see us all together x
Oh gosh! Little E is growing up so fast!
What lovely photos x
Thank you, time is flying by it is so scary!
Wow a big week of changes for your ever growing little lady! Glad the move to her own room is going well. Good luck with E’s food issues, it must be so frustrating.
It really is, we sometimes have good steps forward and then within seconds we are taking backwards steps again :0(
The strawberry outfit is adorable! Sounds like the spaghetti worked even if Ethan didn’t eat masses.
Some bites are better than none in our house ;0)
6 months?! Where did that go. She is a cutie. The bolognese looks yummy. I remember Grace going through a phase of not wanting to eat at around this age – and found it really stressful! #Project365
Thank you, time is flying. Ethan has sensory issues with food too so its hard to know if he is just being picky or these is something else he doesn’t like x
It sounds like you had a busy week, Well done Ethan for eating some of his dinner. Love you cute strawberry too x
It was quite busy. Thank you x
thats a cute wee strawberry, and some good milestones this week. I think when to put them in their own room is a very very hard decision.
Food issues I often feel are best avoided if possible, easier said than done with your first one though when you try to do everything “right”.
commenting on behalf of project 365 as well as myself
Thank you. I do hate the food battles, I’m hoping time will make it easier x
What an adorable strawberry xx
Thank you x
Little E looks so cute in the strawberry babygro.
I think most parents have food battles of one sort or another. Neither of our two boys liked veggies until we started to grow them on the allotment.
Our friends boy seemed to exist on ready brek and breadsticks for years. He’s now a strapping 23 year old that eats them out of house and home!!
I only started to eat veg when I fell pregnant! I’m such a fussy eater I really should give our little guy a break. It does worry me if he has only eaten muller rice all day. He eats anything at nursery!