A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2023 Week 9. Another pretty normal week for us which started with the purchase of a few pairs of shoes for Little E. She is going through a bit of a growth spurt at the moment. It was also World Book Day this week. Ethan’s school have pushed their dressing-up day back a few weeks. They want it to be on the same day the new school library opens.
Project 365 – 2023 Week 9
Day 56

It was our mother-and-daughter day today. Little E wanted to go pottery painting so I booked us into a local place I have wanted to visit for some time. I painted a gonk couple. We last went pottery painting during our stay at Woburn Forest Center Parcs. They had amazing gonks to paint there but they were too expensive at the time. So I vowed the next time we went I would paint a gonk. I can’t wait to see them when they are glazed. Little E painted three rabbits whilst I painted my gonk couple.
Day 57

Little E went shoe shopping with her nanny today. Her old school shoes had started to give her blisters. Her feet got bigger and she choose these mermaid shoes from Clarks.
Day 58

Another day and more new shoes for Little E. She needs schools to go on the school field. Daddy took her shopping I think these are a bit posh for the school field!
Day 59

There was a bit of unwanted excitement this week as we had a bit of a water leak when we run the dishwasher. Water decided to start overflowing the u-bend pipe. A quick email to the builders and they came a fixed it in the morning. Panic over!
Day 60

Today was the only day I read my book this week. That is partly because I started watching The Tratiors on BBC iplayer in the evenings. I loved it and I have now started watching the US version. I picked up chocolate for everyone today as I waited for the children to finish in their after-school clubs.
Day 61

World Book Day today for Little E. She went off to school as Harry Potter with her very own Hedwig.
Day 62

I moved my blog hosting earlier in the month and google isn’t happy with me. Lots of errors have come up. I have no idea how to fix them but I will blindly have a go over time, in my next life!
That was our 2023 Week 9 adventure. You can read about weeks 7 and 8 here.
I mostly ignore google errors because most of them are there for a reason (e.g lots of redirects when you change permalinks to remove dates or from http to https, or because I’ve got an AMP mobile site version as well as normal. They tend to come and go quite regularly.
The pottery painting sounds like fun and the gonks are so cute.
Oh yes! Those trainers are a bit posh for the school field. hehehe
Little E looks fab for World Book Day!
Good luck, I hope Google fixes the errors. x
Love the pottery gonk couple and Little E’s new mermaid shoes. Glad you got the water leak fixed quickly. Little E looks great in her Harry Potter outfit with her Hedwig puppet. Good luck with fixing the errors on the blog. #project365
Those gonks are so cute and funny. Pottery painting sounds like a fun activity, I would love to try it.
I really enjoyed the one time I tried pottery painting, your gonks look so cute! The shoes are so pretty and sparkly! #project365