A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2023 Week 7 and 8. These past two weeks brought with them a school half-term holiday. We didn’t have any plans and it was mostly spent at home as both Darren and I had to work. The following week just felt very normal. I’m happy with normal and hope normal will continue through 2023.
Project 365 – 2023 Week 7 and 8
Day 42

When Ethan came out of his operation he was very distressed as he wanted a Mcdonald’s breakfast. It was too late to get him one and he couldn’t leave the hospital right away. The nurses gave him breakfast but we promised him a McDonald’s breakfast for Saturday. As the week went on he changed his mind and decided he would be happy with lunch instead.
Day 43

On Christmas Eve we all watched Disney’s Strange World together. We had a no-screen rule and Ethan sat through the whole movie. A big step for him. So we decided we would do family movie night when I new movie came on that we all wanted to watch. Little E wanted everyone to watch Matilda the Musical so we purchased it from amazon to watch together tonight. Ethan struggled a bit with this one as it’s real people. But he stayed with us until the film ended.
Day 44

Little E had an invitation to attend an autism course for siblings today. She did make me laugh as she said she had lived with it for eight years what did she need to know? But she did enjoy it and they also did some crafts there. She brought this one home with her as Darren had to collect her early to go to a dentist appointment.
Day 45

I drove Ethan to the hospital today in thick fog to have his finger checked over and the bandage changed. This really pushed me out of my confront zone as it isn’t our local hospital. I was also worried about what his finger would look like so I ended up not sleeping the night before.
Day 46

I started the second Maze Runner book today. To be honest I couldn’t wait to be able to sit down tonight with this book. I was very tired today after my lack of sleep the night before.
Day 47

Ethan and Little E went to the holiday kids club today. It was their first time and I was worried about how Ethan would find it. They both got on really well. Little E enjoyed it so much that she made herself ill with over-excitement. Little E made this cat craft whilst she was there.
Day 48

The sky is turning lovely colours in the evenings at the moment. This was the sky tonight full of pink clouds.
Day 49

The second Maze Runner book is very different to what I remember from the films. So we adults watched all three films again this weekend so I could refresh my mind. I’m trying to work out if the second film was a complete rewrite or if they merged a few of the books. One of the main characters is totally different in the books too.
Day 50

We had friends visit today. It was good catching up. The evening sky was a lovely purple colour tonight.
Day 51

Little E went on a school trip today. It was a Roman-based trip full of arts and crafts. She brought home this glass (plastic) mosaic heart pendant.
Day 52

Pancake day today. I didn’t think I made enough pancakes as we have them for our dinner but these two filled me up.
Day 53

I started the third book of the Maze Runner today. This is the title of the third film too but I have a feeling that part of this book might have been used in the second film. The second book did not mirror the second film at all. It’s interesting to see where these books are going to go as there are five in this series I’m reading. I have found another two books too. One about one of the other main characters in the book and one set 75 years after these events.
Day 54

We were informed that the children can dress up for World Book Day. Little E has grown out of all of her fancy dress costumes. She asked me to look for a Matilda the Musical or Harry Potter costume. Harry Potter won as I found this one on Matalan for a great price in a sale. I have waited years for Little E to want to dress up like Harry Potter!
Day 55

Work has been intense recently. Well to be honest it normally is but there has been no downtime as it has been constant. This creme egg was needed tonight. Yes, chocolate is my go-to.
That was our 2023 Week 7 and 8 adventure. You can read about week 6 here.
Glad the op went ok, and sounds great you may have more family film nights in the future for all of you. The sky has looked beautiful recently.
We loved Matilda the musical. It sounds like you all enjoyed it.
I hope Ethan’s finger is better now, it sounds like he was an absolute star.
It sounds like you have been really enjoying the Maze runner books. x
I probably shouldn’t but little E’s comment about living with autism for the last 8 years did make me laugh, glad she enjoyed it and great there was an activity they could attend together. Hope Ethan’s hand is ok.
Well done to Ethan for managing to stay with you until the end of the film. We’ve not yet seen Matilda the Musical. Little E’s comment about going to the autism for siblings course made me smile. Love the dragon she made and her cat craft. Hope Ethan’s finger is healing well. Gorgeous sunset photos. #project365
I love Matilda the Musical, we regularly put the songs on and I ended up buying the DVD as Eliza will watch it again and again. I haven’t had a creme egg yet…….must get one