It feels like ages ago that we took last month’s sibling’s photos. Perhaps so much has happened in the last month. Perhaps preparing for Christmas is taking up all our thoughts and energy. This is what our siblings got up to in December 2014.
This month’s sibling’s photo was taken yesterday in a terrible light, as it was getting dark outside. We actually took the photos in the hall as it had the best light at the time. I wanted the children to wear their Christmas tops being December.
Ethan really wasn’t in the mood and we only managed to get one photo of them. Darren did try to coax him into taking more, see our Wordless Wednesday photo, but Ethan was having none of it!

This month we can see a bond starting to show between them more than ever. They both have different ways of expressing this. I was going to say that I wasn’t sure about Ethan’s bonding with his sister but that wouldn’t be true.
Ethan always checks on where Little E is. He is very excited by her which will bring on his singing. He enjoys that she is now starting to do things with him, I think he finds it funny at the moment! I can see that Ethan will try to control her and put her where he thinks she should be. At the moment he will try to turn her head in the direction he thinks it should be. Something we stop and I think he may really be put out of joint when he works out Little E is an independent person.
From the looks of it, Little E adores her big brother. She always smiles at him and at the moment he is the only person that can make her giggle. This giggling tends to happen when Ethan is excited and sometimes stimming, this does make me wonder what she is thinking. I’m hoping that this will mean she will accept him no matter how quirky he can be.
I have a feeling that Little E will really push Ethan out of his comfort zone in so many ways, but I think it will be a lesson that only she can teach him.
They have experienced some new things over the past month, a trip to Lapland UK and swimming together for the first time. During December 2014, we will celebrate Little E’s First Christmas and lots of family get-togethers. I’m looking forward to seeing their bond grow.
I do like those tops! Sounds like the bond is growing and developing, too, which is lovely to see, isn’t it? x
It really is, I never realised how important it was for me that they have a strong bond. I think Little E may have to put up with a lot when it comes to Ethan, I’m hoping that unconditional love will help see her through the mad moments ;0)
Oh look at Little E’s expression!! she’s really wondering what on earth’s going on isn’t she! It sounds like your two are having a really good month and hopefully Christmas isn’t causing too much of an upset.
She always looks like that when the camera comes out. I think she is trying to work out what I’m doing. I rarely capture a smile from her when the camera is out and it drives me insane! Christmas wise, we are doing OK ish. Ethan is having some moments but I’m finding a cuddle can help, sometimes!
Oh I love those Christmas tops, v cute! It’s not easy getting photos is it… but worth it in the end 🙂 x
Who can resist a Christmas top! It is hard, but I’m finding it so hard to take photos that I’m enjoying making a point of taking photos for siblings x
Ah such a lovely post – so glad that there is such a lovely bond developing between Ethan and Little E. Beautiful photo and I love their Christmassy tops 🙂
This is so sweet, look how she’s reaching out to him x