ethan little e 7 months old

Our Siblings During January 2015

This past month has seen Christmas come and go. With it a change in our sibling’s relationship. This is how our siblings got on in January 2015.

Ethan finally understands the concept of opening presents. This meant that he wanted to open everything that was wrapped on Christmas morning. We tried to make him aware that Little E also had Christmas presents. Father Christmas even colour coded them. Little E had blue Frozen wrapping paper and Ethan had red Mickey Mouse wrapping paper.

Thankfully with Little E being so small, she needed help opening her Christmas presents. Next year might be an issue when Little E is ready to open her own presents.

ethan cuddling little e 7 months old

We then experienced teasing from Ethan. He found Little E’s gifts much more appealing than his own. Ethan would give her one of her toys but then take it off of her holding it above his head. He found this very funny and this new game has continued throughout the month.

He does keep taking her toys off of her and we are having to remind him that certain toys are hers.

Little E’s new toys have brought a few moments of them playing together. Ethan loves cause and effect toys, as that is where he is developmentally, and that is what baby toys are all about.

For the past few nights, they have also been watching In The Night Garden together. We thought this was something Ethan had grown out of but he is embracing it again and Little E looks like she is enjoying it.

ethan little e 7 months old January 2015

Little E will still only laugh at Ethan, no matter how hard we try to make her giggle. Must be something to do with their sibling bond. January 2015 has been a nice month but sometimes testing for us parents!

28 thoughts on “Our Siblings During January 2015”

  1. Aww I think that’s so sweet that she saves her giggles just for him – she must know what a very special big brother he is. And they do look so sweet together – I can’t believe how big she’s getting all of a sudden!

  2. Alexandra @dontcallmestepmummy

    That is so cute that she only laughs for her brother. I also have to colour code all the presents, isn’t Father Christmas thoughtful? These pictures are adorable #siblings

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. I’m not sure if we should be worried that she only laughs for him, perhaps she just doesn’t like us ;0)

  3. Oh so cute! I remember back to the early days when we had problems with presents with Sasha too, and her wanting to unwrap them. She’s not at all materialistic (unlike our eldest!) so it was literally the unwrapping which was important to her. It wore off, but I do remember it being difficult. Just know there’s light at the end of the tunnel 🙂 x

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. Yes as soon as the present is unwrapped he moves on. Perhaps we should just wrap up lots of empty boxes for him. He will love it!

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, I was so relieved she looked like him when she was born. Complete madness I know but I just liked the idea of knowing they were related just by looking at them lol

  4. Such cute photos – Little E is growing so fast! We still have issues with toy snatching at times, it does get easier as little ones get bigger and start ‘fighting’ back!

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I do think Ethan will have a shock when she cam fight back, it will do him the world of good. It just may not be easy!

  5. My gosh Little E is looking so much more grown up all of a sudden. These photos are just so cute of the pair of them; he looks like the proudest big brother, and she just looks like she doesn’t get what all the fuss is about.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      I know I just can’t keep up with her! She is a very serious little soul, perhaps it will help keep him in check x

  6. Beautiful photos, especially the first one and so lovely that you are having moments of them playing together and watching In the Night Garden together – they do look so happy together in the photos.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      It is nice to see their relationship grow. It helps that Ethan is still interested in the things she likes, she might have had to watch Ben10 lol

  7. Awww these pictures are so lovely. I remember when my little one would only ever laugh at his big brother we would spends ages pulling silly faces doing stupid things trying to make him laugh and get nothing but his brother wouldn’t even have to do anything and could make him giggle! x

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