No surprise I’m late again with writing my sibling’s post for July 2017. July is always busy with all our end of term events and appointments this means I’m also chasing my tail! This month marked Little E’s third birthday which means she has been in Ethan’s life for three years. We do wonder if Ethan can remember life before his sister. I would love to ask him if he likes having her around. I know that her arrival has really promoted his development. It’s amazing to look back and see where he was three years ago, where we all were in our journey.
In July 2017 Darren’s shift has fallen in the week meaning we have had the weekends free. We have been able to celebrate Little E’s birthday and just have quality time together. I think getting out also improves our sibling’s moods with each other as I haven’t felt like I have had to referee so much this month.
Little E has really become Ethan’s shadow and I think it notices more now as she can keep up. This year she is more stable on her feet and it helps them when they play. This photo really sums up their relationship for me.

The problem that we do have is that Ethan is a runner and Little E is just as bad when they are together. They do keep us on our toes when we are out. I’m hoping as Little E gets older her understanding will get better. I’m hoping this will then make things easier for us and hopefully help our nerves.

We are now facing the school summer holidays with our siblings. Ethan is already out of sorts about it and I’m trying to put things in place to help him. Little E loves her time at nursery and I’m not sure she is totally aware that she won’t be seeing her key worker for the next six weeks. We haven’t got any big days out planned but we are hoping to keep ourselves as busy as we can. We have been offered some respite days for Ethan to help us which we have accepted. Hopefully, the sun will shine this year and we can have lots of water fun in the garden.