June 2020 brought with it a little bit of normality for our siblings. Well, a new normal that we are now living with. After the official May half-term, Ethan started to go back to school for two days a week. Little E’s school didn’t reopen until halfway through the month.
This means that Darren was still entertaining our siblings whilst I worked around everyone. June 2020 consisted of walks and taking it in turns going on bike rides with their Daddy.

There were also visit to the parks and lots of duck feeding.

Ethan’s return to school is causing him some confusion. Only attending two days a week isn’t his normal routine. It also isn’t wearing him out as much as it normally would. But we are glad that there is some schooling going on for him. We also told him he would return to school when the ‘virus is better’. Ethan is very aware that we are still discussing the virus. He knows it is still around so this is also causing confusion.

With Ethan’s return to school Little E’s home schooling also came to an end. To be honest, we were all struggling with it. Thankfully she was sent an Osmo to review. She used this for the first two weeks of June to help with her learning.
Little E was upset about returning to school and we did have tears. These tears turned into smiles when she saw her friends. Returning back to school was the best thing for her. We actually had tears on Friday when she thought it wasn’t a school day!

With some kind of school in the week, we are trying to explore locally on Sundays. Daily walks have become a big part of Ethan’s routine. We are hoping local adventures will help with this. With restrictions lifting, we were able to visit Colchester Zoo. Booking tickets is now essential and social distancing is in place but we had a great first visit back. I have a few other places on our Sunday visits bucket list. As long as social distancing is in place I’m happy for us to venture out and about a bit more.