VTECH Baby Walker – 11 Months Old

It feels very strange to be sharing this milestone with you all as yesterday Little E actually took her first steps. This means that this milestone was only really a celebration in our house for two weeks. We aren’t used to moving so quickly between achievements!

On Friday the 12th of June Little E started to use her VTECH baby walker. She walked up and down our very small front room, getting very frustrated when the wall made her come to a stop and all she wanted to do was keep moving.

We had to hold the walker for her as it could go a little bit faster than her little legs would take her. Last Friday I captured this milestone on video to share with you all.

Hopefully next week I will be able to share a video of her first steps. There will be no stopping her now!

8 thoughts on “VTECH Baby Walker – 11 Months Old”

  1. Aww what a lovely video. Those walkers are fab aren’t they? Well done Little E and amazing that she is now taking her first steps – no stopping her now! šŸ™‚

  2. Wow – well done Little E! The Baby is going to be one beginning of next month. She is a pro with the walker too & also gets upset when she hits annoying obstacles! No unaided steps yet though. Looking forward to seeing video of Little E’s first steps! #SSAmazingAchievements

  3. whoo hoo well done little E šŸ™‚ I love the Vtech walker, all three of my little ones used one, they are a little fast for those very first steps though šŸ™‚

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