When you are pregnant, there is nothing worse than feeling trapped inside the house and the seemingly new phenomenon of babymoons are a great excuse to get out and enjoy a holiday before your life gets turned upside down with the arrival of a new baby. So why are babymoons becoming so popular, and how can you make one work for you?
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Enjoying your freedom
Especially if you are about to have your first baby, a babymoon is a great way to celebrate your freedom. As excited as you may be about the arrival of your little one, it’s nice to enjoy one last crazy adventure, before your holidays become all about your children, and you will be making some memories to keep you going during those difficult 3 am feeds.
Remember the romance
When a baby comes along, your family dynamic will change, so a babymoon is the perfect opportunity to connect with your partner while it is still just the two of you. Pregnancy can be a stressful time and put a little bit of a strain on a relationship as so much change is happening. Remind yourselves how much you enjoy each others’ company with a break to reconnect.
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Pregnancy relaxation
One important part of a babymoon is relaxation, specifically pampering for the expectant parents. Think pregnancy massages, delicious food and sitting on a beach. Being pregnant is difficult (I suffered from Obstetric Cholestasis during my pregnancy so it was no picnic!) so you deserve to relax, and your partner needs to unwind before the next few months of dirty nappies and sleepless nights!
It’s all about timing
The timing of your babymoon is important to consider, with each trimester bringing with it a new load of issues and challenges. In the first trimester, you will often feel nauseous, and exhausted, which doesn’t make for a fun trip, but if you leave it too late into the third trimester, you will be limiting your options as you can’t travel too far away from home.
You may have a huge list of places that you would both like to visit, however, some will be more appropriate than others when you are pregnant. For example, anywhere that you may need vaccinations to travel are not recommended, and the further on you are in your pregnancy, the closer you might need to stay to home. Once you are 32 weeks, you will be unlikely to be allowed to fly on most airlines, so if you’ve left it until then to enjoy a babymoon, why not book somewhere luxurious that is only an hour or two drive away. You can still have a lovely time!
Holiday safety
It can be easy to get caught up in the adventure of a babymoon, but there are some things that are really important to remember when you are pregnant. For example, be aware of the drinking water if you are abroad and try to avoid it – this includes ice cubes! Remember that your skin is likely to be more sensitive so if you have journeyed to a hot climate, keep applying that sun lotion to avoid burning.
Although babymoons are still relatively new, they make a lot of sense! Enjoying the last of your time as just the two of you, and making memories before your little one comes along is a great idea. Did you have a babymoon, or are you planning one? Let me know in the comments!
DISCLOSURE – This is a collaborative post.