You might have noticed that I have been quiet this year. Not posting as much as I would like on the blog or on Instagram. This year has been a real struggle for me and sometimes a battle. After the pandemic, this was the year that things were going to get better. I even came off of my medication thinking this was the best year to do so. Thankfully the battle of the year so far hasn’t made me need to go back on them. But at times I have been pushed to my limit.

This year there has been a real battle on the health front. Lots of our family members have had issues in one way or the other. New diagnoses and tests needing to be done. My dad passing away at Easter really threw me and also made me have questions about my own mortality and other loved ones. At times it has felt that every week we have had a different health issue to battle.
The biggest battle we have had this year has been quite self-inflicted. We moved house last week. Moving house has always been part of our plan. Possibly delayed by the pandemic but it also helped us. My job role changed and we were able to save. Do I think this is the best time to move and increase bills, no! But fate aligned and it was a bit of a do-or-die situation.
Selling our house was such a battle this time. This was our second move together but we have also brought and sold properties on our own. This was the toughest process we have ever had. So many more hoops to jump through. Every week a different mountain to climb. I’m still surrounded by boxes which I’m sure will take months to unpack. I’m feeling unsettled, the economic outlook and the cost of living are not helping. Time will tell if we did the right thing. I’m hoping one day we will look back and laugh at what a year this has been!
Although this year has been a battle for us mentally and in health, it has also been good for us. This blog has brought us some great adventures this year. We went on a PGL family holiday which the kids loved. We also had a summer holiday visit to Great Yarmouth. There have been some great days out to review. A Disney fix visiting Disneyland Paris in the summer holidays. And some Harry potter adventures, staying in a Hagrid-themed hut and visiting the Forbidden Forest Experience. There have also been new Center Parcs experiences. We had our family reunion trip to Woburn Forest as well as visiting Les Villages Nature Paris.
Reading back through what we have done this year it has been a year of real highs and lows. I hope the children remember all the fun times. Not the times when I have been stressing and worrying about solicitors. Hopefully, now we are in our new home we will all feel more settled.
It sounds like it has been a really rough year for you with a lot going on. I hope you are happy in your new home. x
It certainly sounds like it’s been an incredibly intense year for you especially with having lost your dad and moving house this year – two of the most stressful things to deal with happening in a fairly short space of time. I hope that you settle well into your new home and will all be happy there. Glad you’ve had some fun moments this year too and there have been highs as well as lows. #WotW