On Sunday I thought it was about time that I started thinking about Ethan’s 11th birthday. Being that he doesn’t really play with toys I’m finding it increasingly harder to think of what gifts we can buy him so he has presents to open on his birthday. Thankfully his lock-down growth spurt means he needs new clothes. He also pointed out a game advert to me at Christmas so I ordered that and a Wack-a-Mole game. This has meant we have had an influx of deliveries and boxes arriving this week.

Now boxes arriving at our house isn’t unusual. With all the toy reviews we have done the postman and Hermes delivery man has got to know us quite well. Not to mention the extra online purchases we have made during lock-down! Ethan is normally oblivious to the boxes arriving and never asks about them. Not this week though, he has asked about every box. Thankfully an answer of they are for the blog is one he is happy with.
The caterpillars are still a big highlight in our house this week. Ethan is now aware of them as they have got so big and he asks to see them every day. Last night one of them started to make his cocoon. We are learning so much about their lifecycle I’m so glad I finally brought one of the live butterfly garden sets for Little E.
This week I also received my second Covid vaccination. I had to take Little E with me and the doctor asked her to take a photo of the moment. She is very proud of that photo and you can see it over on our Instagram account. Side effect wise I felt a little shaky after the school run the next day which I put down to my body being tired. I was OK after tea and sitting down for a bit.
I also got a headache that evening, I think it was probably a slight migraine. That was it. I do remember laying in bed thinking I’m going to die. So perhaps I didn’t feel right but I didn’t feel ill. I think I might have been winding myself up about the blood clotting issue. I now looking at all the facts and figures is a very rare thing. I’m happy that I have had my second vaccination one step closer to normality. Whatever that will look like.
We have deliveries every day at our house, mostly orders from my older children. I’m happy you have had your vaccinations, I’m still waiting for my second but my husband (my carer) and my daughter (Who works for NHS) have had both of theirs. It does make me feel safer anyway. I hope Ethan has a wonderful birthday x
Glad that you’ve had the second vaccination and hopefully the side effects have eased off now. The blog is a good excuse for boxes arriving! How lovely that your caterpillars are now starting to make cocoons – look forward to hearing that your butterflies have hatched in due course. #WotW
For a moment, I thought you were going to plump for boxes as Ethan’s present. Honestly, some birthdays, my three seem to enjoy the boxes just as much as the actual gift. Butterfly kits are wonderful. We had them one year and the children learnt so much. I’m glad your second vaccine went well. Stress can’t have helped. I hope the headaches have gone now. #wotw
How is Ethan nearly 11! They grow up too fast.
Ahh! My two always want to know what is inside every box or package which is delivered.
That’s great news that you had your 2nd vaccine and you didn’t get too many side effects. x