word of the week

Word Of The Week – Challenging

Although I felt like last week brought with it a reset for the New Year. This week brought with it the return of our new routine as both children were back at school. At times this week has felt quite challenging.


Our move brought the biggest change for Little E. She had to move schools, which I wanted to avoid. But logistically and in preparation for high school. We felt moving schools now would be the best option for her. She started four weeks before the Christmas holiday and it felt like she was getting on OK. But at the moment she isn’t really happy and she feels like she is alone. I told her it will take time to form friendships and reminded her how long it took her to settle into her reception class. It has been challenging this week as she thinks I don’t care and it hasn’t been fun going to school. It breaks my heart as we told her this would be a good move for all of the family. I really hope this is a blip and things get easier for her.

Work has been busy for me this week which is good. But this again can be challenging as I juggle the school runs, after-school clubs and deadlines. I do thrive when I’m busy but things do slip. I was late ordering this week’s food shop. Which then takes time away from me getting to do other household chores. When we got together I made Darren aware of how my work can take over. Darren does help me when he is at home. I think we make a good team running the house.

My brother and his family are going through a challenging time at the moment. They haven’t been far from my thoughts this week. Our distance and our children’s commitments mean we can’t be on hand to help. It feels terrible just watching on the wings.

Word of the Week linky

4 thoughts on “Word Of The Week – Challenging”

  1. Starting a new school is a big thing for kids but it is better to do it whilst she’s young. She’ll settle herself, you can always ask teachers/TA’s and dinnerladies to keep a discreet eye on her and encourage her to make friends. Hopefully things will get better and easier for all of you

  2. Oh no! So sorry that Little E is struggling at school. It’s hard for children when they change school, I am sure in a few week things will be better.
    Work being busy is good but it sounds like you have a lot of juggling to do. x

  3. I’m sorry that Little E is finding it challenging settling into her new school. Change is so hard. I hope that things settle down for her very soon and she makes new friends. Juggling everything is hard work at times isn’t it? Sorry to hear too that your brother and his family are going through a challenging time. Not being able to help can feel so hard. Sending lots of love and thinking of you x #WotW

  4. Just read your following week’s post, so I know that life is becoming easier, thank goodness. It’s tough moving schools and making friends. I think Karen’s advice is good. I hadn’t realised that you’d moved house. Hope you are all settled in to your new home.

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