This week I feel like I have really been struggling. Work has been all-consuming again which means I struggle to fit anything else in. Ethan is also struggling which has a knock-on effect for all of us.

We were doing well catching up on Little E’s school work this week. But on Thursday I decided I had had enough of the juggle. This means we will be playing catch up again but I just couldn’t face it.
With my work and Little E’s schoolwork, Ethan’s schoolwork isn’t getting a look in again. Every day he asks me if we are learning from home. He is desperate for his routine and wants to go back to school. During one of Boris Johnson’s coronavirus updates, Ethan asked him/the TV when can we go back to school?
Ethan is really struggling with his lack of routine. He is vocally stimming again with a very annoying song. Ethan is also struggling with sleep. He isn’t doing enough in the day to wear him out. This means that Darren isn’t having much luck with the bedtime routine. I’m having to sleep in Ethan’s room to help him sleep. This is never a full night’s sleep as he will constantly check that you are there. So we are all tired which doesn’t help with my mood.
Ethan is also really clinging to me at the moment. He tells me where he wants me to sit when he has his breakfast. We can’t look at our phones near him, not a bad thing. And we also have to go to the toilet with him. He still needs support with his toileting but we did get to a place where he would go into the bathroom on his own. Now he wants us with him again.
I’m starting to struggle with cabin fever. During the last lockdown, we were able to go for a daily walk when my work was complete. This time it’s dark and cold when I finish my work. This means I’m only leaving the house at the weekends, weather permitting. I’m missing the school run that’s for sure!
Puzzling is keeping me sane. It gives me a bit of me-time in the chaos that is our life. I did have to wait for some new puzzles to arrive this week. They arrived a day early so all is right with the world again.
Poor Ethan, the world is so strange at the moment I think everyone is struggling, it must be extra hard for our little ones that don’t fully understand and can’t cope with the changes. We can only hope that routines can be returned to soon. It’s hard sometimes to keep up with everything so taking a break from other tasks are forgivable. I keep telling myself that things can only get better, and they will x
Sending love and hugs. So sorry you’s have been struggling. It is impossible to work from home and school 2 children which are different ages and have different needs. You aren’t getting enough sleep so that won’t be helping either. It is such a hard time at the moment. xx
Poor Ethan ( and all of you). It must be so difficult to see the world change and not have the reassurance of his routine. The shorter days do make a difference. I loved our family evening walks during the summer. It is difficult for me to balance work with my children home. I need to lose myself for long stretches of uninterrupted work, but that doesn’t happen. They take it in turns to ask me questions, I swear, but I can’t imagine how you are coping. I hope next week is better for you and you get more sleep. Enjoy your puzzles! #wotw
It’s difficult isn’t it. I’m glad I’m not trying to work from home and school the kids at the same time. It takes up so much of the day. Hopefully now the spring is on it’s way, the nights will get a bit lighter and we can get out of our houses a bit more.
So sorry that you are struggling at the moment and not getting a good night’s sleep makes it so much harder as well. It’s so hard to try and juggle it all and I can imagine all the change and uncertainty must be really hard for Ethan. We’re also finding it difficult to find time to get out for a walk each day. Hope that this week will be a little easier on you all. #WotW