Project 365 2015 Week 4 Days 18-24

A photo a day, every day, for a year!

Day 18

It was Darren’s birthday on Monday so on Sunday, whilst Grandpa and Grandma were visiting, my mum cane round with a birthday cake and Darren’s gift. She had knitted Darren a jumper and also made one for Ethan so they matched.


Day 19

It was Darren’s birthday today but he had to go to work. So whilst Ethan was at nursery and Darren was at work I had some bonding time with Little E.


Day 20

On Tuesday afternoons Ethan has BounceAbility I wanted to take a photo there but I didn’t get a chance. So today I opted for a sky photo.


Day 21

Whilst Ethan was at nursery we decided to celebrate Darren’s birthday by having lunch at Frankie and Benny’s. We have said for ages that we wanted to eat there and always talked ourselves out of it. When we arrived Little E was asleep, she did wake up after I took this photo and was really good during our whole meal.


Day 22

We visited Colchester Zoo this morning so that Ethan could burn off some energy. He can go a little stir crazy on his non-nursery days!


Day 23

We had been preparing Little E’s next stage weaning food today so Ethan had an iPad day. Before dinner I got out the Duplo, it looks like they both enjoyed this even if Little E needed some support.


Day 24

Today Little E started the next stage in her weaning journey. She is meant to start drinking water from a beaker, she wasn’t impressed. She also tried Petits Filous, she preferred this new option!


30 thoughts on “Project 365 2015 Week 4 Days 18-24”

  1. Awesome round up Jane! Love bounceability, I often take a lad from work there. Love those jumpers, awesome and little E is so cute bless her! x

  2. Gorgeous photos – love Little E’s cheeky face in the second photo and Ethan looks like he is having a wonderful time going down the slide – love how very happy he looks. I love the expression on Little E’s face as she tastes Petit Filous – she doesn’t look entirely convinced in that photo! 🙂

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Little E really hasn’t been sure about today’s food. The Petit Filous was the winner as she was grabbing the spoon off of me in the end x

  3. the twins happily drink water from a cup, my daughter does not believe in juice. Petit filous are great – a brilliant size for weaning.
    Those matching jumpers are great – happy belated birthday Darren.
    How cute is that pic of Little E on Day 19, great to have bonding time alone with them at that age.
    Never personally been impressed with F&B
    commenting on behalf of project 365 as well as myself

  4. Love the matching jumpers 🙂 Happy Birthday Darren! Gorgeous shot of Little E, and I love the one of the two playing together. My boys were huge fans of Petit Filous, but tricky to find them, or an equivalent here 🙁

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      How strange there is nothing to match Petit Filous over there. I’m sure we must have found something to give Ethan when we visited Walt Disney World but Ethan was two and a half then x

  5. Little E is gorgeous, totally sqeezums, love her cheeks! Petit Filous is yummy, everyone knows that. 😉 The matching jumpers are excellent, clever grandma! Happy belated birthday to Darren!

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      He was lol I think they are going to be great together as Little E gets older, they both enjoy each others company I think x

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