Project 365 2015 Week 5 Days 25-31

A photo a day, every day, for a year!

Day 25

We went out for a walk today to feed the ducks. Ethan loved it and it was Little E’s first official time feeding them.


Day 26

We walked to The Range today as I needed to buy a tape measure. We ended up buying ourselves some new cups out of some left over Christmas money. You know you are getting old when you get excited about new cups!


Day 27

I started a Thinking Slimmer 12 week challenge on Monday. I’m also trying to complete the EA active 30 day challenge alongside it so Darren treated me to some workout clothes. I have never owned workout clothes before, a first for me.


Day 28

It was threatening to rain today but I still decided to walk into town for baby group. It started to rain just as we got to the castle. Thankfully we didn’t get that wet on the way there. On the return journey I got soaked!


Day 29

It started to snow as we were getting dinner ready. We really hoped it would settle and be there in the morning so we could play, but sadly our snowfall didn’t last long.


Day 30

It was time to take our Me and Mine photos for January, there were quite a few attempts and this was the best result.


Day 31

Snow! Again it didn’t last long but as it looked like it might snow for a little while. I quickly wrapped Ethan up so that he could experience the snowfall in person. He loved it and screamed with excitement. I’m not sure if it will snow again but I’m glad I took him out even though it was only for five minutes.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

30 thoughts on “Project 365 2015 Week 5 Days 25-31”

  1. I would get excited about new mugs too. It’s a nice treat because you get to use them everyday. We visited the castle in August, it’s quite a sight in the middle of the town.

  2. We had a snow flurry this week too. By the time I bundled Harry into a coat and hat it had stopped, I love your snap of Ethan experiencing it.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      It was a real rush to get us out into the snow, I was sure it would stop before we got out there. Thankfully he got five minutes in the snow. I’m so glad he did x

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Glad to hear Thinking Slimmer worked for you. The snow didn’t settle, I was so sad, but at least we had some fun in it x

  3. Lovely photos from the week, I am getting frustrated with the snow.. I want a decent fall which will hang around to build snowmen and have snow fights.

  4. I love the little ones faces in your me and mine photo – priceless 🙂 Workout clothes are great – super comfy for chilling out….after you’ve worked out obviously 😉

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      She is funny, a serious little lady. I do keep those workout clothes on a little longer than required ;0)

  5. We didn’t get any decent snow either – boo! Well done on your new slimming venture and your bike rides this week. Shame about the rain though 🙁

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you. Ethan screamed at the snow and roared when he tried to catch it. No idea where that came from lol

  6. We had about as much snow as you. It is a shame it didn’t settle enough to build a snowman. Love your new cup and the photo of you all together. Great photos.

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      Thank you, every time it snowed I was willing it to settle. I really wanted to build a snowman with Ethan!

  7. Lovely that Ethan got to play out in the snow, even if it didn’t last for long. We have only had a little too, not that the Little A’s seem to mind, they still had fun! I get excited over new homeware too!

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