Like many parents we discovered we were having a son at our twenty week scan, this just confirmed what I had known, or felt very early into my pregnancy. I remember laying awake that night thinking “What toys will we play with?!”, my visions of Barbie dolls and Sylvanian Families becoming a distant memory.
It hit me like a bolt out of the blue, Disney had created the ultimate boys adventure when Toy Story was released. I knew at that point my son needed a Woody and Buzz Lightyear for his bedroom. Surprisingly we couldn’t find a Buzz or Woody anywhere, not even in Disneyland Paris when we visited for my 30th Birthday. Unbeknown to me, this was because Toy Story 3 was soon the be released and they were winding the original products down to re-brand them all with the film.
After deciding that I would never complete the task I had set myself we were shocked when we found Tescos had Toy Story toys on offer whilst doing our weekly shop. We purchased the last Buzz and Woody that they had on display. They were placed pride of place in Ethan’s room waiting for his arrival and the day we felt he would be ready to play with them.
Three years later and with Ethan having an ear infection we all settled on the sofa for a TV day. To my delight ITV2 were showing Toy Story and Toy Story 2 back to back. We had tried to watch Toy Story with Ethan before but he had always been too busy but this weekend he sat through the whole film and even laughed in all the correct places. We knew that it was the right time for Ethan to have Buzz at least, as we knew he would love all of his buttons.
So Buzz Lightyear was brought down…
He put up quite a fight but we got there in the end!
Ethan was very happy with his Buzz Lightyear and played with him for quite a while. Who knew Buzz Lightyear would be a fantastic cause and effect toy!
We were only going to only give Ethan Buzz that day but I started to feel sorry for Woody alone on the shelf in his box, we decided to let him out to play too.
After three years of waiting Woody and Buzz were finally together and being played with, well played with in Ethan’s special way…