As we still lived in our flat which caused some space issues Ethan’s first Christmas was spent at my parents house and we were lucky enough that Ethan’s Nana and Pappy would also be joining us.
I had already spent the week running up to Christmas at my parents because there were predictions of snow so we thought it would be best for me and Ethan to be there. I also don’t really like to travel on Christmas Eve as I don’t trust other road users but it turned out that we ended up driving to my parents as snow was falling and it was a pretty scary journey.
At some points the snow was falling so fast you couldn’t see the tread marks from the car in front and you could just about make out the car in front. I have since vowed never to travel in falling snow again but when we got to my parents house there was not a trace of snow anywhere as it missed them!
This is the first time that I can ever remember there being snowfall before Christmas and it was very touch and go if Nana and Pappy would make it for Christmas Day and at one point we didn’t know what day it would be safe for Darren to join us.
Thankfully Darren got to us safely on Christmas Eve just in time to have photos with Ethan in front of the Christmas tree in his fantastic Christmas PJ’s!