Garden Games

Now that the sun is starting to shine we are really starting to enjoy our garden this year and are getting some outside time nearly everyday. 


On Tuesday we had some real quality time in the garden and Ethan really engaged with me. We started off looking as his sensory garden and pointing out all of the colours on his spinners. He then decided he wanted to play hide and seek on his slide, this is a new thing for him to do and he found it very funny.  

Whilst I was sitting next to the slide Ethan went to his water table and before I knew it he had tipped the watering can, which was full of water, over me. Ethan found this highly amusing and this is starting to turn into a regular habit! Not that I’m complaining as it is showing me that he wants me to join in with his games, so I did this… 
Ethan really enjoyed this and even said ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’ to tell me when he wanted me to pour the water over his head. 
It wasn’t long before Ethan wanted me to name the objects in his water table. This is also another new game, Ethan holds up an object and I tell him what it is, sometimes he even tries to repeat me with a noise. I told him this was a fish and he said ‘ish’.
We soon run out of water so I decided it was time to top it up with the hose which then turned into a bit of a water fight.  
This was the first time I have ever used the hose when playing in the garden with Ethan and he loved every minute. He laughed and screamed with excitement and got absolutely soaked!

12 thoughts on “Garden Games”

  1. It’s great to see Ethan’s having so much fun with the water play! Let’s hope the sunshine continues and encourages Ethan’s creative play. Thanks for sharing your happy photos with Country Kids.

  2. sabrina montagnoli

    It’s obvious how much he loves the water! Great to hear him engaging so well and so many new games to play!

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      He really is a water baby. It was so nice to play with him like this, its a rare event but I’m hoping as he gets older he will do this more ;0)

    2. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      He really is a water baby. It was so nice to play with him like this, its a rare event but I’m hoping as he gets older he will do this more ;0)

    1. Jane - Our Little Escapades

      He loved it, I want to get him a sprinkler as that was my favorite thing when I was younger.

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