July – Half Way Through The Year!

I’m not very good at writing these monthly updates am I? I have all the right intentions but never enough time in the day! I really want to stick at it so here is this months up date, a week into the month!

June was very busy for us and it did take its toll on me a bit. I ended up having to go to the doctors for blood tests to check my iron levels. They were very low and they also said I’m exhausted with everything going on so I’m back on the supplements for a while again. 


Ethan’s Goals

Ethan’s goals are the same as before, this is how we got on in June…
Sleeping in his own bed – Ethan has not been in our bed at all which is very positive, but one of us is sleeping next to his cot for most of the night. He has a very bad habit of needing his hand held to get to sleep and he wakes in the night looking for it. I have no idea how we are going to break this, and believe me we are trying. I’m unsure if it is a sensory need so I don’t like getting him too stressed out about it. We are on the waiting list to see an occupational therapist and are currently number 28 on the list, I have no idea when we will see her but this is one of the things we will be talking about. Until then, after three years, we are getting very used to running on a few hours sleep a night!  

Brushing his teeth – Ethan did not like the teether we purchased, wouldn’t even put it up to his mouth, so we still have the issue of cleaning his back teeth. It can really be frustrating as Ethan will chew for hours on his dummy yet he wouldn’t even try this. Unfortunately this is the world we live in and if at first you don’t succeed, you try, try again! The occupational therapist really is going to have a lot to work on with us.  

Using a cup – The Doidy Cup was a no go. We spent hours at the weekends trying to get Ethan to drink from it, we even sent it into nursery. So we have put it away for a few months to try again at a later date. 
Continue with using PECS – Ethan had to do some refresher work with PECS at our last Family Support Key Worker appointment, it was turning more into a choice board and he had lost it a little bit. We are now back on track but we still have a very long way to go. This will always be a work in progress and I have a task to make even more picture cards for Ethan’s folder.

Personal Goals

I continued to fight with my computer in June but it finally died and we had to buy a new one. Not what the finances need but it can’t be helped. So I’m hoping that in July I can continue to write about our Walt Disney World trip and even make some more videos.    
Ethan’s iPad time has really reduced but it has been replaced with his new found obsession Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The positive thing about this is that Ethan is using PECS to ask for this programme and is even travelling to give me the correct card. 
We are also spending more time in the garden which is fantastic and I got some great videos of Ethan showing me all of the colours in his sensory garden. 
Did I make the 2009 holiday photobook? No, no spare cash for this yet and also lack of time. 
Did I find the light bulbs? No, but Darren has finally taken an old one down for me so now I need to do an Internet search, its on my list of things to do.  
Did we put the hook on the bathroom door? YES, finally one thing is off of the list. 

What Does July Bring?

Its a quieter month for us this month. We do have a little family trip planned and also my dad has a big birthday to celebrate. I’m just aiming to enjoy the out doors as much as possible. 

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