house renovation

Nine Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid

Renovating a home is an exciting journey towards creating the ideal living space. However, as with many major endeavours, there are potential pitfalls for the unprepared. While television shows might make the process seem simple, the truth is that home renovation is a complex task that demands careful planning and expertise. This article will highlight several common mistakes homeowners often make during renovations. By staying informed, you can ensure a smoother transformation of your current home into the one you’ve always dreamed of.

house renovation
Photo by Rene Asmussen

Not Setting a Realistic Budget

When planning a home renovation, it’s essential to establish a clear financial plan. A common mistake many make is failing to allocate sufficient funds for the project. This shortfall can arise from not setting a budget at the outset or underestimating potential costs. To get a clearer picture of expenses, it’s beneficial to research prices and obtain multiple quotes. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of renovations means surprises can occur. Therefore, it’s prudent to add an extra 20% to your initial budget estimation. This buffer will help cover any unforeseen expenses that might arise.

Hiring the Wrong Contractor

Choosing a contractor for your home renovation is a pivotal decision. A professional can effortlessly realize your vision, while the wrong choice can introduce many challenges. When it comes to tasks such as shower installations, it’s not merely about placing a shower — it’s an art necessitating precision and expertise. Consulting with a reputable shower installation service provider like Luxury Bath shower installation ensures this expertise. 

If a contractor lacks this specific experience, the outcome might be lacklustre or even defective. The repercussions of engaging an unsuitable contractor go beyond subpar work. They could employ substandard materials, protract the project, or unexpectedly hike costs. Thus, it’s imperative to conduct thorough research: seek contractors with positive reviews, inquire with past clients, and confirm their credentials.

Ignoring the Importance of Lighting

Lighting plays a pivotal role in home design, often setting the mood and tone of a space. Yet, during renovations, many homeowners carelessly underestimate its significance. Disregarding the right balance or type of lighting can dramatically alter the ambience of a room. 

Over-lighting can create an overwhelming, sterile environment, whereas inadequate lighting might leave a room feeling gloomy and unwelcoming. Strategic placement of fixtures, choosing the right bulbs, and understanding the function of each room are crucial elements in achieving optimal lighting. Avoiding the pitfall of neglecting lighting can ensure your renovated space shines in the best possible light.


When renovating your home, it’s tempting to implement every idea that comes to mind. However, overdoing it might backfire. Over-investing in upgrades can hinder your ability to recoup costs upon selling. If extensive renovations make your home the priciest in the neighbourhood, potential buyers may gravitate towards more affordable options nearby. It’s prudent to consider the local housing market before embarking on major changes. Assess the selling prices and features of homes in your vicinity. Aligning your renovations with neighbourhood standards not only ensures you’re making thoughtful financial choices but also enhances your living space effectively.

Neglecting the Basics

When starting a renovation, it’s tempting to zero in on aesthetic upgrades that give a fresh, modern look. However, it’s equally vital to address the fundamental components of your home. This includes the roof shielding you from the elements, the plumbing system that supplies water, and the electrical infrastructure energizing your spaces. Neglecting these essentials can precipitate significant problems; for example, a minor leak today might escalate into extensive water damage tomorrow. Therefore, regular maintenance checks on these foundational elements are imperative.

Impatience with Decisions

When it comes to home renovations, taking things slowly can be beneficial. In the excitement of making changes, some homeowners might make hasty choices. This could be about the shade of a room or the type of light fixture to install.

However, rushing can often result in dissatisfaction once the work is done. It’s essential to invest time in understanding your options. Before finalizing a decision, look into different products or colours.

Maybe even bring home some samples to see how they work in your environment. This hands-on approach can give a clearer picture of the result.

Failing to Acquire Necessary Permits

Every area has building regulations to ensure safety and quality in construction projects. When you’re eager to start a home renovation, it might feel like a hassle to get permits. However, they’re crucial.

Without the proper permits, you can face hefty penalties and fines. But that’s not the only concern. If your renovation isn’t up to the local standards, you may be asked to undo the work, wasting both time and money.

So, before you begin any major changes to your home, make sure to visit your local council or regulatory body. Understand what’s needed for your specific project.

Not Preparing for Disruptions

Renovations often render specific areas of your home temporarily inaccessible. It might be your kitchen undergoing a transformation or your bathroom being refurbished. Such projects can disrupt your everyday routine. Therefore, it’s wise to plan. If your bathroom is being renovated, perhaps you can use another bathroom in the house or, if feasible, make arrangements to use a neighbour’s facilities. The essence is to foresee these temporary disruptions and formulate a strategy to cope.

Forgetting Long-Term Sustainability

When undergoing renovations, it’s tempting to settle for current trends and pressing needs. However, emphasizing long-term sustainability is equally critical. Investing in durable and energy-efficient materials can be cost-effective and environmentally friendly over time. 

For instance, while a particular flooring style might be in vogue today if it’s not durable, you might find yourself replacing it sooner than anticipated. In the same manner, energy-efficient windows and insulation can substantially cut down on heating and cooling expenses in the long run. Incorporating water-saving fixtures in bathrooms and kitchens is another consideration that can offer lasting benefits.


Renovating a home is a rewarding journey, but it’s filled with potential pitfalls. From setting realistic budgets to choosing the right contractor, every decision impacts the outcome. It’s essential to prioritize both aesthetics and foundational aspects, like plumbing and lighting.

Specialized tasks require professional expertise. Remember, thorough planning and informed choices are your best allies in this venture. With careful consideration, you can transform your home while maximizing your investment.

DISCLOSURE – This is a collaborative post.

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