We are at the end of January 2022 and I’m yet to share our 2021 Christmas Tree with you. To be honest it hasn’t had as many new and exciting additions as previous years. We were hoping to add a decoration from the Disney Magic when we went on the UK Seacation in the summer. Unfortunately due to shipping delivery problems they had stock issues. We also didn’t get the time to visit any of our favourite garden centres during December 2021. The month just flew by. This is our 2021 Christmas Tree.

Decorating Our 2021 Christmas Tree
I felt we were late putting up our Christmas tree. Our weekends were full of activities and we just couldn’t fit it in. This meant we put our tree up on a Monday. Little E was at school but Ethan was at home as his class was closed due to a covid outbreak. Darren put up the tree whilst Ethan gave directions. Ethan is very much a routine boy so it upset him when our tree was put in a new position. There was lots of debate and we finally talked him around.
He also needs to make sure that certain decorations are in their normal places. We have some Mickey-shaped decorations that go on different doors. He also isn’t happy until the scarfs (tinsel) are placed over our canvas prints.
What was lovely this year is that the children both decorated the Christmas tree together when Little E got home from school. They both placed the decorations without any help from us. I didn’t move any decorations even the ones that Little E put on backwards. She would make sure the decorations were facing out from her but when they were put on the tree they were facing into the tree.
Our New Christmas Decorations
We were able to add two new Christmas decorations to our tree this year. We picked up a Silverstone bauble when we visited the Silverstone Lap of lights in November 2021. I didn’t know at the time but it is actually a glass bauble.

Nanny also got Little E a new bird decoration to put on the tree. We have a few birds now which I really like.

Even though it is nearly February Ethan still asks every day about our Christmas tree. I keep telling him he has a few months to wait until December 2022!