streaky grey storm sky project 365 2023

Project 365 2023 Week 38, 39 & 40 Days 259-279

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2023 Week 38, 39 and 40. These September weeks brought with them some adventures. We sailed on a paddle steamer down the River Thames. Used our Silver Merlin Pass to visit LEGOLAND Windsor and Chessington World of Adventures. We also took Little E to a cat cafe for a special treat and started to look at high schools for her.

Project 365 – 2023 Week 38

Day 259

little e cuddling ginger persian cat meow cat cafe

Ethan was at his club today so we took Little E to the Cat Cafe in Halstead. I have wanted to take her to a cat cafe for a long time but the ones in London have strict rules. Meow Cat Cafe allows children in and even has special SEN sessions. Halstead isn’t that far from us so I booked us a table. Little E loved her time with the cats. Even Darren liked visiting the cats.

Day 260

ethan standing lego fox legoland windsor project 365 2023

We took my mum and dad to LEGOLAND Windsor today. It is a place my mum has always wanted to go. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t on our side so we didn’t stay for too long but they saw all that they wanted to see.

Day 261

chosen ones veronica roth book project 365 2023

Little E now has athletics on a Monday night. We all went tonight to help her settle in. I took my book to read whilst she trained.

Day 262

percy pig chocolate coin covers project 365 2023

When we were on the cruise I took some of Little E’s old Disney dresses to give to another little girl. Their parents gave us some Percy Pig coins as thanks as I said I didn’t want anything for the dresses.

Day 263

fiat 500 instrument cluster display project 365 2023

Darren told me I have lots of petrol in my car. He told me it went to three. So I thought he meant the three white boxes which I knew wouldn’t last me the week. He meant to the number three which is more than enough. I sent him this photo to show him we need to mean the same thing when talking about the petrol in the car.

Day 264

handmade lighthouse island ethans school work project 365 2023

Ethan brought home something he had been working on at school. They are reading a book about travel. They all made islands with lighthouses. He was very proud of his work.

Day 265

white blue budgerigar yellow green budgerigar cage project 365 2023

I took my mum to her sisters today. Friday is the day I drive into town to take Little E to her dance lessons so it was easy to stop at my aunt’s. I didn’t know she had budgerigars.

Project 365 – 2023 Week 39

Day 266

waverley paddle steamer clacton pier

We went on the Waverley Paddle Steamer today. We boarded the Waverley at the end of Clacton Pier. It sailed into the River Themes and we got off at Tower Bridge. It was a fascinating sailing and something we had wanted to do for a while.

Day 267

bright yellow full bloom rose project 365 2023

I can’t believe our roses are still in bloom.

Day 268

full bloom yellow rose project 365 2023

A second of my roses is now blooming in our garden.

Day 269

coated chicken lettace tomato greated cheese dinner project 365 2023

Little E’s favourite dinner is a salad. So tonight’s dinner is her choice.

Day 270

little e conducting bunsen burner test project 365 2023

We visited a high school tonight, the first of many, Little E got the chance to try a science experiment.

Day 271

little e holding red wine bottle paper cutout project 365 2023

Another school tour tonight, this time Little E had some fun in the Spanish class.

Day 272

pink clouds evening sky project 365 2023

Darren sent me this photo today. He liked how pink the clouds looked.

Project 365 – 2023 Week 40

Day 273

chessington world adventures welcome sign project 365 2023

I booked an overnight stay at Chessington World of Adventures. We haven’t been to Chessington for years. We were excited to try all the new rides.

Day 274

ethan little e whirlpool boat seastorm ride chessington project 365 2023

Our second day at Chessington, the children loved this ride. I couldn’t face it so soon after breakfast!

Day 275

streaky grey storm sky

Darren took Litte E to her training tonight. They train in all weathers. The sky didn’t look very happy tonight!

Day 276

chicken salad dinner

Another salad dinner for Little E.

Day 277

mr freeze cola pop held janes hand

With the summer not being as hot as we expected I still have ice pops in the freezer. It was my treat for today.

Day 278

normal school day tour times

Another school tour for us tonight. They were offering tours during school hours too. I will look into booking one of those next year.

Day 279

smiling little e wearing eco team badge

Little E was picked to be part of the Eco Team at school. She had to write a short application saying why she wanted to be part of the team. I’m so proud of her and she loves wearing her new badge.

That was our 2023 Week 38, 39 and 40 adventure. You can read about weeks 35, 36 and 37 here.

1 thought on “Project 365 2023 Week 38, 39 & 40 Days 259-279”

  1. Wow! What a catch up!
    The cat cafe sounds brilliant and the visit to Legoland too. That is amazing that you still have roses in your garden so late in the year and Little E’s love of salads. x

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