Regular readers will know that at the beginning of the year I took part in a 12 week Thinking Slimmer challenge.
I wanted to lose the baby weight I had acquired and get fitter. Diets weren’t working for me and what could be easier than listening to a Slim Pod before going to sleep at night.
I wasn’t sure if I believed this programme could work, but work it did, I lost 17 pounds and went down two dress sizes whilst listening to the pods. Not only did it help me lose weight but my moods also lifted and improved, I felt comfortable in my own skin for once in my life.
Then the summer holidays hit and I stopped listening to my slim pods. This was a big mistake as my moods changed and with it my comfort eating started. I was desperate to get back into listening to my pods again but I just could motivate myself to do it.
Thinking Slimmer have asked if I would like to challenge myself again and also test their new app. I have accepted and last night I started listening to my Slim Pod again. I will keep you posted on the results.
Would you like to put Thinking Slimmer to the test?
Until the 10th of December Thinking Slimmer are giving you the chance to download their Christmas slip pod for free. Why not click on the banner below, download your free Slim Pod and introduce yourself to listening to lose weight.