Dear Ethan, on Friday we celebrated your tenth birthday. I always wondered how we would celebrate your big double-digit birthday but I never imagined you would be turning ten whilst the country was in lockdown.

You have grown up this past year and have suddenly got very tall. We can finally buy you the correct age clothes now as for years we needed to buy you smaller sizes than your age. Even with this, growth spirt you are still one of the smallest in your class!

You have come on so much this year. You have many more words and you can sometimes respond to simple questions if we remember to word them in the right way. I love hearing you chat with your sister in your own special way. You still have such an amazing bond with her which I absolutely adore.

Last year was full of amazing travels which included Disneyland Paris and our second attempt at Disney cruising. You were amazing with all of these new experiences. You do have some moments but we expect that. I think we are all in a good place of understanding each other and I hope we stay that way for a while yet.

Your birthday gifts this year where Thomas the Tank Engine train sets. Santa brought you one at Christmas and it was such a hit we thought we would add to your collection. We also got you a minion’s Lego set which I’m looking forward to building with you as I know you will need support with it.

During this lockdown, you have started to watch In The Night Garden Again. You have also been watching lots of Alton Towers vlogs of CBeebies land. Informing us that you want to stay in the CBeebies hotel. You have put in a request to stay in an In The Night Garden room. We couldn’t grant your wish for this birthday but hopefully we will be able to soon.

We celebrated your tenth birthday in the garden with a special delivery of afternoon tea. The day was a very quiet affair but I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully next year we will be able to celebrate with family and friends again. And you never know we may have an In The Night Garden adventure planned for you!
Aww! Happy belated birthday to Ethan. How is he 10 already. He sounds like such a sweetheart.