Anyone that grew up watching Saturday morning TV in the late 1980’s and through the 1990’s may look at the title of this post with a smile as this was one of the catch phrases used by Trevor and Simon on Going Live and Live and Kicking.
This should also be Ethan’s catch phrase and I always have to smile while it pops into my head as Ethan kicks off his duvet cover. Ethan doesn’t like the duvet cover on him, he also hasn’t liked bibs for some time and he won’t let the coverall anywhere near him when he goes to have his hair cut in the hair dressers.
When he was a baby Ethan slept in a baby sleeping bag so we never knew this problem. In the summer this house was so warm a cover was never needed but when the nights got colder we had problems trying to keep Ethan covered and warm all night.
We thought Ethan would now be too big for a baby sleeping bag but the gro company has been our savior as they stock some of their ranges for children up to ten years old. This is fantastic news for us as it means we have a few years to work on our duvet issue without having to worry about Ethan getting cold.
Thank you, your Grobag’s saved the day!