After the worrying actions last week my word of the week this week could have easily been watching. I feel like I have been watching the news waiting to see how things play out. At the same time, we have been carrying on as normal which feels strange. I know for the children we need to carry on like normal. They really have been through enough already with the pandemic. The children are actually the influence of this week’s word of the week as they have had lots of achievements.

It was always going to be a big week for Ethan. With the news that vulnerable children between the age of 5 and 11 can now have the covid vaccination, he is now eligible. The immunisation team were coming into his school so I was able to book him in for an appointment. We had already had the discussion about Ethan having the vaccination at the age of 12. I did worry about how he would react as giving him his MMR booster injection was a terrible experience. It took three attempts at the doctors and finally happened when his paediatrician booked him in for an appointment at the hospital. It still took three nurses and grandad to give him those injections.
As Ethan is a visual boy we have been trying to prepare him for these injections. He came with us when we had our flu vaccines to see what happened. I also took him with me when I had my covid booster. This should also be on the list as one of my achievements as I’m also not a fan of injections.
Yesterday was Ethan’s vaccination day and my nerves were shot to pieces. With Ethan’s limited speech we spoke about the day as best we could. I would be going to his school for his appointment. All I could do was keep everything crossed.
I found the appointment quite stressful as they let us in to see the nurses in groups but then we had to wait for them to prepare the injections. One little girl was anxious and crying. Ethan doesn’t like crying children so I was trying to keep him at ease. It felt like an eternity for the injections to be ready. Ethan did want to watch the vaccination so I had to get him to look at me just in case. The little girl was actually a distraction for Ethan as suddenly it was done. Just like that, no fighting, no holding him in place, it was over. I think I was in shock for the next few hours!
It turns out Friday was going to be full of achievements for the children. Little E got a certificate as she has been a good citizen at school. This was for lovely manners and attitude to learning. Ethan was given star of the week for being a good listener since the start of half-term. I couldn’t be prouder of my two children this week with all of the unexpected achievements.