After our repeat of the covid testing last week the children would say that this past week was exciting! Well, I’m sure every child was excited to be counting down to the end of term. Our children had some exciting activities to look forward to this week and thankfully covid didn’t cancel any of them.

On Monday Ethan went on his first year 7 senior trip. They went to Southend to visit Sealife Adventure the local aquarium. It was a long day as we didn’t have to pick him up until dinner time. The original plan was to make the trip a few weeks before. The issues with petrol meant the coaches couldn’t take them on the original date. We think Ethan had a great time he excitedly told us he had a burger and chips for lunch. This trip was a treat from the school and they didn’t ask us to contribute in any way.
Little E’s exciting event was that her school had planned a disco for the last day of term. It was done differently than the pre-covid discos. The discos started in the school day this time. The different years had different times to attend the disco. The younger years in the early afternoon and Little E’s year started their disco at 3 pm. We then had a later school collection time. The children could also wear their party clothes to school. Not only did this cause much excitement it also meant lots of discussion in our house. Little E wanted to wear her floaty Frozen dress but I didn’t think it would be appropriate to wear it all day. Not with the way she races around the playground. We came to a very colourful compromise of a dress with leggings underneath.
Friday was exciting for the children for two reasons. Little E had a non-pupil day so she got to spend the day with me at home. For Ethan, it was school photo day. Darren had cut Ethan’s hair in preparation and we have been practising smiles with him. As Ethan has gotten older he closes his eyes when he smiles. We are yet to see the photo but hopefully, it will be a good one.
A very exciting week. I do hope Ethan’s photo turns out okay. I remember the days when my girls wanted to go to school parties in their flimsy princess dresses. So sweet. x
I am glad Covid didn’t mess with any of your plans. Ethan’s school trip sounds like a fun one and the disco for Little E sounds fab. x
Glad Ethan enjoyed his year 7 trip and that Little E was able to enjoy her school disco. Lovely to have a day with Little E at home and fingers crossed that Ethan’s school photo will be a good one. #WotW