After all the craziness that last week brought with it, this week has been our week for helping. Our friend is still testing positive for covid so this week with have been continuing to help with the school runs.

It’s funny as I remember the school runs being a big hurdle I had to overcome. When Little E started reception I hadn’t been able to leave the house with both children on my own. Walking to school with them both was a new challenge. Something that I was able to overcome with the help of new friends found at Little E’s school. Here I am four years later helping my friend and taking four children to school in the mornings on my own. One needs to go to a completely different school and the others have staggered start times. Don’t get me wrong other mums have helped me but I have done it!
Even when it was my day off of the school run on Monday I still found myself helping Darren. He took three of the children in whilst I had Ethan’s transport collect him from home. The thought of taking four children in at once was too much for Darren. On the other hand, I was clearly smashing it! Who am I kidding there were hurdles but I overcame them as and when needed.
Being in this helping mood I have decided I should try to help myself off the medication I am taking. I had to start my medication for anxiety and depression just before Little E started school. I’m in a very different place now than I was then. My work life has changed and now all of my team share experiences of working from home due to the pandemic. I’m making steps with taking the children out on my own. Small steps but taking them to the panto on my own was a real milestone for us all. I also now know more people in the area. Something I thought I would do when Little E was born but it didn’t work out that way. Her starting school has made a very positive impact on my life for so many reasons.
Well done for managing to get four children off to school on your own, especially with different schools and staggered start times. It sounds like you are in a much happier place than before Little E started school. I’m so glad that things feel more positive for you now. Good luck with trying to come off the medication. #WotW
Wow! You’ve done a lot of helping and coping and making a success of things this week!
Well done on being mindful about the meds too. I suppose only you know when it’s the right time.
It’s a great feeling to know you are helping out. And when it’s your turn to be helped, the help will be there too.
We hope you have a great week ahead.
It’s good that you can help your friend out with the school run. It sounds like you are doing really well. x
I think it’s brilliant that you could help your friend and that other people helped you to help 🙂 Sometimes things like school runs can be very daunting. Good luck with coming off your meds, I’m glad you are in a different, better place
Hats off to you for taking four children to school. I’m sure your friend is very grateful. I don’t know how primary school parents manage at the moment if they have one is isolating and one at school. I’m glad you made it to the panto and that has taken obstacles done for you. It sounds like you are at a good point in your life to move away from your medication. I hope you get the support you need to help you. #wotw