After last week full of events this week is a total contrast. Ethan is now officially isolating as he is being classed as a close contact with someone who has tested positive with covid-19. Well, it isn’t just Ethan, they have had to close his whole school.

It was all going so well but this week they had six confirmed cases in his school. These would have been in the senior section of the school as they are the pupils that are testing. The problem is that nearly all of the children in Ethan’s school travel via school transport to get there. Working out the close contacts for the positive pupils was a real complication. The advice from public health was to treat everyone as a close contact and close the school as not everyone was able to test. So now Ethan is isolating for ten days.
Unfortunately, Ethan’s isolation period has had a dramatic impact on Little E’s life. Little E turns seven on Sunday, we didn’t have major plans but a little tea party with the grandparents. Our friends were also meant to come at Little E’s request for a paddling pool day. This of course was the first thing we had to cancel.
This Saturday is also Little E’s ballet show. A show that they had to cancel when we went into lockdown last year. I wasn’t sure if she could still take part but it is only Ethan that has to isolate. So the show will go on and I will stay at home with Ethan. Both Darren and Little E will take a lateral flow test on Saturday for peace of mind. He will watch the show with Little E’s grandparents and hopefully, he will film her dance for me. I say hopefully as Darren can sometimes have issues with technology.
Ethan isolating at home also means I need help with Little E’s school run. Leaving Ethan at home on his own isn’t possible. Even if at his age you can possibly consider it. This option is just not a possibility for us. Thankfully I have been able to call on a friend and Little E is walking to school with them. This is a big step for her as I have always been with her. The only time I haven’t been able to go on the school run is when I have to go to London. At those times it is either Darren or nanny that helps us. With Ethan having to isolate we are again at a place where nanny has to stay away from us.
There have been tears, I was totally expecting this as no one wants to have to cancel a birthday. You think we would all be used to this by now! But we will re-arrange a birthday tea for Little E. If we ever make it onto the Disney Magic Seacation there has also been the promise of some spending. We will make Sunday as special as we can for her and eat way too much chocolate birthday cake between the four of us.
Poor Little E, what a shame having to cancel so much. I’m glad her ballet show is able to continue but it’s sad you can’t be there. I’ve had Boo isolating too, but it didn’t really make much difference to us as I’m home 90% of the time anyway. And Boo is old enough to stay home alone if she had to. I’m worried about the Little Man’s school, it’s done so well so far but the last couple of weeks and the number of cases has just gone crazy. Anyway, I hope the ballet goes well and Darren remembers to video it for you, and I hope the celebrations can continue at a later date.
Sorry that Ethan’s having to isolate at the moment – there are so many school bubbles popping at the moment. I’m keeping everything crossed that Sophie can get through to the end of term and enjoy her leaver’s BBQ without any more bubbles popping. What a shame about Little E’s tea party and paddling pool party – hope she still has a lovely birthday on Sunday and that all goes well with her ballet show today. Glad you’ve got some help with the school run. #WotW
We’ve been doing that too. Thankfully both kids tested negative and Madam is back to school on Monday.
It must have been awful telling Little E she couldn’t have a paddling pool day but I hope she can do one later in the summer. I hope Darren manages to film the ballet. You must feel so proud of her when you see her on the stage.
Oh no! After all your planning, I’m sorry you have to cancel little E’s birthday party. At least it can be delayed to another day, but I can imagine her disappointment. Thank goodness a friend could step in on the school run. Such a tricky situation. I hope technology doesn’t let you down and you see Little E’s ballet show. #wotw
Sorry to hear of all the worries that the Big C is causing. Hoping and keeping everything crossed that things will be fine soon and all the parties and other festivities can go ahead.
Ugh to the isolating. My youngest is and her school was closed too. I think that’s what happened with our school. Public health said everyone was a close contact as the school is quite small.
Aww! Poor Little E missing out on her birthday celebrations. I hope you get to arrange something else soon and she had a fab birthday. That is good that she could still do the ballet show. x