covid 19 home test guide

Project 365 2021 Week 27 Day’s 184-190

A photo a day, every day, for a year! This is my post for the year 2021 Week 27. After all of the events of last week, this week was a stark contrast. Ethan’s school had to be closed and all pupils are now classed as close contacts to someone who tested positive with Covid-19. This means he has to start ten days of isolation. This had the biggest impact on Little E as we had to cancel her birthday tea. I also wasn’t going to be able to watch her perform in her ballet show. We also have to call on friends to help with the school run as someone has to stay at home with Ethan.

Project 365 – 2021 Week 27

Day 184

little es hands playing horse club adventures nintendo switch

I might have caved and given Little E one of her birthday presents a week early! Our children are always on their iPad’s when at home. I know it’s a bad habit and a reason why we like to get out and about. Little E’s iPad’s battery life is rapidly decreasing. To be honest I couldn’t put up with the moaning that she didn’t have anything to play with. So what did I do, give her one of her games to play on another device. I clearly won’t be winning any parent of the year awards for that one!

Day 185

ethan holding usb charger plug car

Ethan keeps asking for adventures on Sunday’s so we take him for a drive in the car. We had to stop to buy milk and Ethan wasn’t happy with the charging cable he had for his iPad. He thought it might work better with the plug. I then had to tell him there is nowhere to put that plug in the car.

Day 186

little e cuddling arctic wolf toy laying sofa

Monday and swimming time for Little E. Apparently the Arctic Wolf needed a cuddles before she left.

Day 187

rain next hour forcast colchester

There was the threat of rain all day and wow did the heavens open when it came. This was what we faced on the school run. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

Day 188

three swans walking road 2021 Week 27

We passed these swans on the school run. They caused a bit of a stir. Also, a dog put up a bit of a fight with them. So there was a bit of excitement.

Day 189

covid 19 home test guide 2021 Week 27

As Ethan is a close contact we could order him a Covid-19 test. This is the second official PCR test he has had to have. The first one was a horrible experience and a real battle. But we have had to practise lateral flow tests if we have any chance of getting to go on the Disney Magic this summer. Thankfully he let us test him without having to fight him and he got a negative result.

Day 190

jane little e selfie laying sofa 2021 Week 27

Being at home with Ethan on my own is an intense experience. He doesn’t really talk to me and if he does it is more of a question that will lead to a meltdown. Mentally I felt like I did when I was home with him as a toddler and I didn’t feel great. I turned to food a lot and countless cups of tea. Counting down the hours for Darren to get home. I was so pleased when this little lady came home from school. We had sofa cuddles. Ironically Ethan had a conversation with Little E about the colour of their drinks cups when she got home!

That was our 2021 Week 27 adventure. You can read about our week 26 here.

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5 thoughts on “Project 365 2021 Week 27 Day’s 184-190”

  1. Oh Jane, what a nightmare week. I hope you’ve got through it ok. We’ve got bubbles bursting all around us, and they want to open up on Monday. Mad. You do what you have to do to get through, that’s not bad parenting, that’s picking your battles xx #365

  2. What a shame that Little E’s birthday tea had to be cancelled. Glad that Ethan coped well with the second test and that it was negative – hope that he has stayed well. Not fun having heavy rain on the school run – it always seems to get a bit worse around that point in the day doesn’t it?! Love the photo of you and Little E having sofa cuddles. #project365

  3. Sorry to hear he’s got to isolate and that Little E missed her birthday tea. That weather app gives a lo of detailed info. I’ve not seen one like that before.

  4. Is the PCR test very different ot the lateral flow? I do the LF twice a week for my work and thankfully haven’t needed a PCR. My son starts secondary school in September and just been told he needs to have 2 LF before he can start. #project365

  5. Glad the test was negative. Ours spend time at home on tech too, although we limit the time. I’ve booked somewhere without wifi for our holiday so not sure how they or I am going to cope!

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