This week saw both of our children return to school. I was looking forward to the routine of the school run. It is great to have a reason to get out of the house every day. There were some tears shed by Little E. Thankfully they were quickly forgotten. The return to school this week also made us look into getting a better food routine. We brought some new slow cooker books and this week’s plan was to try some new slow cooker meals.

With a weekly meal plan in hand, I have been making a new dinner in our slow cooker every night. I would love to tell you that the children love all the meals that I have made. Unfortunately, they haven’t liked any of them. Both me and Darren haven’t had any complaints. We have enjoyed every meal but won’t make them again as the children won’t eat them. I must say that the children have tried something from each new meal. They may only have had one or two bites. They might have also had to have cereal for dinner on some of the nights. But they did try and that is all that I can ask of them. It will be back to the drawing board for me next week. To see if I can find some new slow cooker meals that they might like.
This week I have also been continuing my training. I finally made an animation but today I got stuck for over two hours just trying to move a shape. Goggle will be my first port of call for help on Monday I’m sure. I know what I should be getting the application to do. I just can’t get it to perform the task I need to complete.
It has been nice having the house to myself this week. I always have the TV on in the background for the company. It was nice being able to have some adult-based programs to watch during the day. I finally have the chance to explore the new Star section added to Disney+.
It is frustrating trying out new recipes and the children not eating them although I’m glad they tried them at least and you and Darren enjoyed them. I have the same problem although we now do beans or spaghetti hoops on toast for the children on days when we want to cook something that we like but know the children won’t eat. Good luck with getting to grips with the application that you’re trying to use and glad you’ve enjoyed some time for yourself this week. #WotW
I’m always seeing fabulous recipes for slow cookers but my family just don’t enjoy anything I’ve tried. When our oven broke I thought the slow cooker would be my saving grace. It wasn’t, and now it’s back to being used for fudge making. Good luck with getting to grips with the new application, and I’m glad your children are happily back at school.
I hear your frustration! It can be soul destroying (over dramatic) when they turn down something special you’ve made. I’m sure you’ll find something you all like. I love the idea of a slow cooker. Poor Little E. I’m glad the tears were short lived. You sound as if you are making progress with your training. Hope you have a good week. #wotw
I love my slow cooker! don’t use it as often as I should. I’m still doing the occaisional variation on dinner to accomodate one or other of the kids! Generally just the “main” bit, they get the same veg as everyone else!